- Hundreds and thousands of books and magazines doze in the library. 上千上万册图书杂志在图书馆里“睡大觉”。
- Hundreds and thousands of people are practicing martial arts. 全市640多家拳社培养了大批武术人才。
- Hundreds and thousands of Africans are thrown into gaol each year under pass laws. 由于《通行证法》,每年有成千上万的南非黑人被关进监狱。
- Washington, D.C.'s metro system is clean and efficient; therefore, hundreds and thousands of people take it every day. 华盛顿特区的地铁干净而又高效,因此每天有成千上万的人乘坐地铁。
- There are hundreds and thousands of schools, and anybody may go and learn to be wise, like a priest. 当地有成千上万的学校,人人都可进学校念书,念得象神父一样有学问。
- If you have hundreds and thousands of pages, lots of users, and impatient readers, Zope is a very good thing. 如果你有成百上千的页面,许多用于,以及没有耐心的读者,Zope是一个很好的东西。
- It's undisputable that hundreds and thousands of people live mesirable lives, suffering from hunger and cold. 无可争辩,现在有成千上万的人仍过着挨饿受冻的痛苦生活。
- Having searched for him hundreds and thousands of times in the crowd, suddenly you turn back, and he is there by the dim light. 众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。
- Hundreds and thousands of times I searched in chaos. Suddenly I turned by chance, to where the lights were waning, and there he stood. 众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人竟在灯火阑珊处。
- As already mentioned, text is a great medium for a document - like HTML or CSS - that is transferred over a network hundreds and thousands of times. 已经说过,文本是文档的最好媒体,比如HTML或CSS,在网络上被千百次地传输。
- Hundreds and thousands of times, for her I searched in chaos, suddenly, I turned by chance, to where the lights were waning, and there she stood. 众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。
- But hundreds and thousands of Ahmad Ismail are still surrounding us, inside our society, buried hatred and detestation among us. 千百个阿末依斯迈,还在我们的周围,在族群之间,埋下分化和仇视的种子。
- There is a vast probability that reaches out for hundreds and thousands of years of a dictatorship in this universal system. 在这个全世界的系统里有一延伸数百和数千年的专政的巨大可能性。
- Potentially,the single greatest area of impact for the year 2000 bug is the hundreds and thousands of servers and downstream clients that sit on LANs company-wide. 潜在上讲,2000年错误影响最大的一个领域是公司范围内局域网上的成千上万台服务器和下面的客户机。
- Another four hour ride, you are crossing a refugee camp, filled with hundreds and thousands of Internally Displaced People living under inhuman conditions. 另一个四小时的行程,穿过难民营,内部住满成千上万在不人道的条件下生活的流亡人民。
- Potentially, the single greatest area of impact for the year 2000 bug is the hundreds and thousands of servers and downstream clients that sit on LANs company-wide. 潜在上讲,2000年错误影响最大的一个领域是公司范围内局域网上的成千上万台服务器和下面的客户机。
- The strong boles stretch hundreds and thousands of tress towards the rising sun.The blossoms on the branches joggling with the breeze, like numerous colorful umbrellas spreaded. 那粗壮的树干,盘枝错节,迎着朝日,伸出千百根枝条,枝头上,杜鹃花摇曳着迎风开放,像是张开一朵朵彩色的花伞。
- And Winston said his technology can let at the same time raise hundreds and thousands of "gene ameliorating a pig ", the process raising needs time for 1 year. 温斯顿说,他的技术可以让同时饲养成百上千的“基因改良猪”,而且饲养的过程只需要一年的时间。
- Sinkiang, as the main drag in the middle-west, has rich and diversified cultures for hundreds and thousands of years, including many kinds of national cultural heritages. 摘要地处中西交通之要道的新疆,千百年来孕育和积淀了丰厚而璀璨的多元文化,其中包括为数众多的少数民族文化遗产;
- In 8 years or less, crop after crop will die off leaving hundreds and thousands of humans starving in many places that have not known starvation in recent history. 在8年或更少时间中,一茬接一茬的庄稼将死去,将给近代历史上从未尝过饥饿滋味的很多地区留下数以万计处于饥馑之中的人们。