- I despised myself and the voices of my accursed human education. 本人鄙视自己的声音和我的诅咒人类的教育。
- First, thank you very much for choosing Human Education School! 首先,非常感谢您选择洪恩教育培训学校!
- But for long_ time, the idea of humanity education was ignored in the course of pedagogy of science and engineering. 长期以来,理工科专业教学却忽视了人文教学的理念。
- Developing a sense of humanity hinges on a good humanities education. 人文精神的建立首先要靠人文教育。
- Liu: it is proved statistically that actually classical film is of greatly high humanity educational value. 刘:一个初步的结论,证实了或者说从数据上印证了电影确实具有极高的人文教育价值
- Fifth, implement democratic leadership and humanized education. 五、实施民主领导与人性化的教育。
- Two examples are cited, Pennsylvania State University at Hershey and Indiana University, to illustrate two models of medical humanity education. 同时美国宾州州立大学和印第安纳大学为例,介绍了医学人文学的教育模式。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- This paper has analyzed how to use schoolfellow for serving to their mother school from two aspects such as materials and human education. 本文从物质资源、育人资源二方面就如何加强校友工作为学校建设服务进行分析,旨在推动校友为母校的发展建设服务。
- This course will focus on the roles of religion in humanities education. 本科将集中处理宗教在人文学科教育中的角色问题。
- Humanity education seeks for ideal life and fundamental aim is to promote humanism and human qualities. 人文教育追求理想的人性,其根本宗旨是提升人文精神、培养人文素质,是促进人全面发展的基本教育力量。
- A humane education. 人文主义教育
- Speeches distinguish human beings from animals. 人类和动物的区别在于人会说话。
- Today when it is focusing human education and widely developing new curriculum reform, narrow impression still visibly or invisibly affects the current and future development of our children. 摘要在重视人文教育、广泛开展新课程改革的今天,刻板印象在有形无形中影响着孩子们的现在与未来的健康发展。
- The war took a heavy toll of human life. 这次战争夺去了许多人的生命。
- Perhaps it is our human nature to be nostalgic. 也许是人类天生有一种思古之幽情。
- The priest says that the human spirit never dies. 牧师说,人的灵魂永远不死。
- Hence, the humanities education constituted the important link of the reconstitution of "now national studies". 由此,人文教育构成了“新国学”建构的重要环节。
- Human life and turnip remain cheap and plentiful. 人命与萝卜依然是多而且便宜。
- Also in medical genetics education, we should also enhance the quality of humanities education. 同样,在医学遗传学教育中我们也应加强人文素质教育。