- Human development upsets the delicate equilibrium of the ecosystem. 人类的发展破坏了生态系统微妙的平衡。
- Human development is encroaching on the habitat of many endangered species. 人类的发展侵佔了许多濒临绝种族群的栖息地。
- Note. From Human Development Across the lifespan, by J. S.Dacey and J. F. (五)若引用他人的圖表資料,應在圖表下註明出處。例如:
- With the more and more developed specialized and intensified production, how cart human develop in an all-round way? 摘要在专业、集约化生产越来越发达的条件下,人的全面发展如何可能?
- Tobin received his PhD in Human Development from University of Chicago. 托宾教授曾就读于芝加哥大学并荣获人类发展的博士学位。
- Papalia, D. E., Olds, S. W.& Feldman R. D.(2002). Human development,8e. 张慧芝(译)。人类发展-成人心理学。台北市:桂冠。(原著出版年:1978)。
- All human development entails suffering losses that need to be grieved. 人的发展总会遭遇让人悲伤难过的损失。
- Within minutes we left the last human developments behind us, and we rolled for hours that first evening past desert scrub of acacia and gum trees and comically steepled termite hills. 几分钟之内我们就把有人居住的地区抛到了后面,傍晚的几个小时里,我们经过的沙漠中可以看见洋槐和橡胶树丛,还有怪模怪样的尖塔形白蚁树。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- The UNDP human development report calls for greater investment in rural development. UNDP人力资源发展报告呼吁各国应更加强投资乡村的建设。
- Researchers think humans develop a “love map” as they grow up?a blueprint that contains the many things that they have learnt are attractive. 研究人员认为,随着人们年龄的增长,他们会在大脑内发展一个“爱情地图”??一个包含许多人们已经熟悉的、魅力事物的蓝图。
- According to the UN Human Development Index, of the 175 nations in the world, Niger is ranked second from the bottom. 按联合国人文发展指数排列,尼日尔在世界175个国家中位于倒数第二。
- The Delegation also referred to UNDP's experience in its report on human development. 代表团也提及了UNDP关于人力开发报告中的经验。
- The Delegation declared that El Salvador was a country committed to human development. 该代表团说,萨尔瓦多是一个承担人类发展义务的国家。
- Human Development and Family Studies B.A. Child and Family Services, B.A. Early Childhood, B.A. 人类发展和家庭研究文学士学位儿童与家庭服务文学士学位儿童早期教育文学士学位老年学文学士学位软件工程信息系统,计算机技术理学士学位。
- South Asia Human Development Department at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington D.C. 经济与数学专业。本科学习时期,他曾在世界银行华盛顿总部南亚人类发展部门。
- The modem communication medium is a kind of communication system with the greatest and limitless potentiality in the human development history. 摘要当代传媒是人类发展史上迄今为止最宏大而潜力无限的一种传播大系统。
- Philosophers is the personification of philosophy, with the duty and mission of promoting culture development and human development. 哲学家是哲学智慧的人格化,促进文化发展和人的全面发展是哲学家的光荣职责和使命。
- DNA methylation and its aberrance play an important role in the human development and tumorigenesis. DNA的甲基化及甲基化异常在人体发育和肿瘤的发生中起着至关重要的作用。
- The key to human development is found in the mind which constitutes the greatest power possessed by Man. 人的发展的要点是建立在心智中,那里组建了有可被人支配的最巨大的力量。