- humanistic curriculum idea 人本主义课程观
- In order to keep up with the development of times, this paper analyzes the humanistic curriculum in the hope of obtaining some enlightening information. 为了使电视教材顺应时代的发展,对人本主义课程论进行了分析,期望从中获取一些启示性信息。
- However, teacher's curriculum idea has not developed continuously indepth as the people imagined. 然而,教师的课程理念并没有像人们所想象的那样向着纵深方向发展。
- The cultivation of aesthetic sensibilities in art and literature is crucial to the humanistic curriculum in liberal education with its emphasis on the pursit of knowledge and enrichment of the mind beyond utilitarianism. 摘要通识教育强调超出实用功利性的人文知识,注意人才的全面培养,而文艺所培育之美感对通识教育有亟重要意义。
- Specially under does the new curriculum idea's classroom instruction, how the preinstall and the production effective unify in together. 特别是新课程理念下的课堂教学,怎样把预设与生成有效的结合在一起。
- The establishment and promulgation of new national curriculum standard is an achievement of new curricular idea and practice. 摘要新的国家课程标准的制订和颁布,是新课程理念与实践的建设成果。
- In it, dissimilated and divided curriculum ideas are intrinsic factors which produce unbalance in the evolvement of modern curriculum. 其中分裂与异化的课程理念是造成当代课程发展不和谐的内在根源。
- There are four periods in the development of curriculum, and the venation of curriculum ideas is from pristine heterogeneity to dissimilation and division and to new further heterogeneity. 课程伴随人类社会发展经历了四个重要时期,在理念上表现出从原始和谐,到异化与分裂,再到走向新和谐的发展脉络。
- An idea popped into his mind like a flash. 他头脑里突然闪过一个念头。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- He has no idea of how to run a business. 他不知如何经商。
- It's my idea to hold the party outside the house. 在户外聚会是我的主意。
- That stubborn man always cleave to his idea. 那固执的人不愿改变想法。
- He batted the idea around in his head. 他脑子里反复思考这个想法。
- I don't think that's a bad idea at all. 我看这完全不是个坏主意。
- Could you give me a rough idea when you'll be back? 你能告诉我你大概什么时候回来吗?
- theory of humanistic curriculum 人本主义课程论
- A new idea popped into my mind like a flash. 我脑子里突然闪现出一个新的想法。
- You have no idea how worried I was. 你想像不出来我有多么担心。
- Structure a curriculum; structure one's day. 安排课程; 对一天进行安排