- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- More time arid attention should be given to humanities courses in the humanities curriculum. 加强人文课程,增加人文课程的时数,都应该成为教育者们关注的问题。
- Speeches distinguish human beings from animals. 人类和动物的区别在于人会说话。
- establishment of humanities course 人文课程设置
- The war took a heavy toll of human life. 这次战争夺去了许多人的生命。
- Perhaps it is our human nature to be nostalgic. 也许是人类天生有一种思古之幽情。
- We suggest humanities courses should be setup according to dissimilar courses module and should constitute idiographic implementary measure and plan. 建议将人文课程按照不同的课程模块进行设置,制定具体的实施措施和计划。
- The priest says that the human spirit never dies. 牧师说,人的灵魂永远不死。
- Humanities courses is shouldering the important task of raising thought personal character of medical students in medical education. 人文课程在医学教育中担负着培养医学生思想品德的重要任务。
- Human life and turnip remain cheap and plentiful. 人命与萝卜依然是多而且便宜。
- Humanities courses should be an organic part of medical education, it needs to stand out emphasis,main and complement linking principles,etc. 人文课程应成为医学教育课程体系的有机组成部分,需要遵循突出重点、主辅相承等构建原则。
- He took a mournful view on human affairs. 他对人世持悲观的态度。
- Thus,it is need and necessity of medical education development that strengthens construction of humanities courses and raises huma... 因此,加强人文课程的建设,培养医学生的人文素质,使他们成为高素质的医学人才,是医学教育发展的必然和需要。
- She was destitute of human feeling. 她一点也没有人的感情。
- Human nature revolts at such a crime. 人性厌恶这样的罪行。
- They listened to his discourse on human relations. 他们听他作关于人际关系的演讲。
- Human tissue is made up of cells. 人体的组织是由细胞构成的。
- The accident was caused by human error. 这宗事故是人为过失造成的。
- He was the only human being on the island. 他是那个岛上唯一的人。
- Men, women and children are all human beings. 男人、女人和孩子都是人。