- Robot Skills and Control Rehabilitation and Medical Robotics...Human Robot Interaction and Human Centered Systems: Interfaces, Haptics,... 北京市垂杨柳医院-文章:纤维内镜机器人手术系统设计与人体模型实验...
- Astronaut centered design philosophy is a new concept suggested by the authors for manned space system design. 本文提出一种载人航天系统的新型设计思想,即以航天员为本的设计思想。
- Abstract: Based on the mission requirement of balloon-borne electronic system, the traditional MTBF centered design ideology is changed in this paper. 文章摘要: 根据气球载电子系统的特点和任务需要,改变传统的以平均故障间隔时间为中心的设计思想,介绍了一种基于无维修使用期的可靠性设计思想。
- It is fundamental about humanizing technology, and developing a more methodological Human Centered Approach to innovation. 从根本上讲以人为本的设计是使科学技术更加人性化,发展以人为本的方法论的一次变革。
- Rem Koolhaas Wins IIT Campus Center Design Competition.The other finalists were Peter Eisenman,Zaha Hadid,Helmut Jahn/Werner Sobek,and Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa. 来看看这个。IIT的校园规划竞赛。“老”校园是密斯的设计。我那会儿做毕业设计“校园南区设计”时,这个竞赛对我影响很大。
- By means of single pattern center design 3 steps for optimized match project.According this the 3R powder substituted for seacoal was made.It not only had the effect of pre... 用单纯形重心设计,优选出了这3种材料的合适搭配方案,制成了既具有防粘砂效果又具有抗夹砂能力的煤粉代用材料3R粉。
- Sports in the exhibition center design, the overall ecological environment protection and sustainable development have been included in the majority of programme planning focus. 而在这次展览体育中心设计中,整体生态环境的保护和可持续发展已被列入绝大多数方案的规划重点。
- The first part of the paper emphatically researches the theory origin of the human center ism from the history of philosophy, and elucidates the new world view of the ecology whole ism from the depth and the width of ethic solicitude. 论文第一部分着重从哲学史上探究人类中心主义的理论来源,从伦理关怀的深广度上阐发生态整体的新世界观;
- Enrich the Hospital Culture of "Human Centered" 深化"以人为本"医院文化
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- In response, Blair, a prominent human centers lawyer and mother of our children, took it in good humor and pretended to slap Gandolfi, telling him he was cheeky. 作为一名出色的人权律师和4个孩子的母亲,切丽发现冈多尔菲的小动作后幽默地用手掌拍打他的后背,并说他是一个淘气的孩子。
- Vietnamese and Chinese Buddhist delegates visited Tzu Chi's humanities center to explore the foundation's unique culture. 越南人和中国佛教徒,代表参访慈济人文志业中心,来了解这个基金会独特的文化;
- In China, automobile paint parrot is Mercedes-Benz Special Service Center designated partners. 在中国,鹦鹉汽车漆更是奔驰汽车特约维修中心指定合作伙伴。
- The Stoll China Fashion && Technology Center designs and produces Stoll's collection of knitted patterns for the whole group. 斯托尔国际时装技术中心为整个斯托尔集团设计及生产斯托尔系列的针织花型。
- Husseins human centers are being violatedatevery momentandhe prob-ably will not get a fair trial afterbeing demonized bythe United States,his attorney,a former USattorney general,said onThursday. 萨达姆的美国律师周四(4月14日)声称,萨达姆的人权无时无刻不在遭受侵犯,在遭美国“妖魔化”之后,萨达姆“很可能无法获得一次公正的判决”。
- The Stoll China Fashion &&Technology Center designs and produces Stoll's collection of knitted patterns for the whole group. 正因为如此,现在世界上最优秀的时装针织衣物的设计及生产都使用斯托尔电脑技术支持的设备。
- Library and information Center design 图文信息中心设计
- Speeches distinguish human beings from animals. 人类和动物的区别在于人会说话。
- The war took a heavy toll of human life. 这次战争夺去了许多人的生命。
- Perhaps it is our human nature to be nostalgic. 也许是人类天生有一种思古之幽情。