- The human body eliminates toxicants through sweat, and urine. 人体通过汗液和尿液排毒。
- Her white face and her dark dress contrast sharply. 她洁白的脸和她黑色的衣服形成强烈的对比。
- Mary hit him on the face and swept out of the room. 玛丽打了他一耳光,然后傲然走出了房间。
- This article is mainly to investigate the culture origin of the flour and asserts that the flour basically derived from the mimicry of animals' faces and was used for fete. 本文主要探讨面食的文化起源,并认为:面食最初源于肖面、猎首和剥面的形式仿造,并用于祭祀。
- Ann's face and back are covered with freckles. 安的脸上和背上长满了雀斑。
- She was badly burned on the face and body. 她面部和身上严重烧伤。
- Surface of excrement and urine often can see blood. 粪便表面常能见到鲜血。
- I could just see her face and her tumbled hair. 我只能看见她的脸和蓬乱的头发。
- Here words failed his lordship who went red in the face and said no more. 这位爵爷气得满脸通红,说不出话来,便不再说什么了。
- He had a mobile, expressive, animated face. 他有一张多变的,富于表情的,生动活泼的脸。
- The PTR correlated negatively with serum albumin and urine amount. 腹膜运送率和血清白蛋白及馀尿量呈负相关。
- Faeces Ca and urine Ca were decreasing in pregnancy. 骨钙素也增加,产后仍增加;
- Apart from the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs. 他除了脸部和双手受伤以外,两条腿也断了。
- Alien 2: The human animals, grossly undersized. 外星人2:人类这种动物真是矮小。
- She washed her face and hands, then went downstairs. 她洗了脸和手之后走下楼去。
- It was found that tissue had been burnt away from his face and hands. 人们发现他面部和双手的肌肉组织被烧坏了。
- I am no biologist,but my guess is that the male human animal was programmed for silence. 我不是生物学家,但我猜想男人这种动物天生就是沉默寡言的。
- She washed her face and hands,then went downstairs. 她洗了脸,洗了手,就下楼了。
- Every living cell and all body fluids, except bile and urine, contain protein. 每一个活细胞和所有体液中,除胆汁和尿液中含有蛋白质。
- I am no biologist, but my guess is that the male human animal was programmed for silence. 我不是生物学家,但我猜想男人这种动物天生就是沉默寡言的。