- The sense of the novel is the inevitaBility of human tragedy. 小说的含义是人类悲剧的不可避免性
- At the heart of this human tragedy is Mount Vesuvius. 本片透过目击者的眼光,呈现庞贝城的最后二十四小时。
- "There is a very serious human tragedy in Mt.Elgon at the moment. 此刻,埃尔冈山地区正在上演一场人类大悲剧。”
- But what captured the public's attention was that night's human tragedy. 而引起公众注意的是那个夜晚的人间悲剧。
- Fear of consequences, real or imagined, accounts for a lot of human progress, and a WHOLE lot of human tragedy. 恐惧结果,不管真实的或是想像的,解释了许多人因而进步、和整个的很多人类悲剧。
- The Rwandan genocide was a human tragedy on a scale rarely seen in recent history. 卢安达大屠杀是场人间悲剧,其惨烈程度可说是近来罕见。
- Is a human tragedy and an ideal, tragedy works frightening things, we must use the power of art to be restrained, Only a sublime and lofty. 悲剧是人为的和理想的,悲剧作品中令人恐惧的东西都必须用艺术的力量去加以克制,只留下壮美和崇高。
- "I rise today to draw awareness to the unconscionable human tragedy that is still taking place in the Darfur region," said Gwen Moore. 摩尔说:“我今天提请大家注意到一场疯狂的人类悲剧仍在达尔富尔地区发生。
- Time almighty, and create an inestimable miracle.Wolfensohn also records the sorts of crime and all kinds of human tragedy. 时间法力无边,创造了不可估量的奇迹,也记载了行行色色的罪恶和各种各样的人间悲剧。
- The laws of economics can appear perverse in the face of human tragedy, and this seems particularly the case where the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster is concerned. 在人类悲剧面前谈论经济法则,似乎有悖常理,尤其是在印度洋大海啸这样的灾难面前。
- The amount of human tragedy Kissinger saw around him during his formative years accounts for his being a man given to occasional melancholy or perhaps Weltschmerz,and for being a convinced pessimist beneath a certain playfulness and levity. 基辛格早年目睹了周围大量的人间悲剧,这使他时常显得很忧郁,或许可以叫做多愁善感,使他成为彻底的悲观主义者,虽然表面上爱开玩笑,有点放荡不羁。
- It is hoped that counselling and testing for HIV in a woman's blood stream before,or very early in pregnancy,can avert this human tragedy from increasing any more than it already has. 人们希望,通过在妇女怀孕前和怀孕初期进行HIV的检验和咨询,能够避免增加更多的艾滋病患者这一人类悲剧的发生。
- "This sad reality imposes a moral responsibility on this administration and this Congress, for we cannot deny that the proximate cause of this human tragedy is the invasion of Iraq and its aftermath. 德拉亨特说:“本届政府与国会对这个悲惨现实负有道义责任,因为我们无法否认,造成这个人类悲剧的可能原因是伊拉克战争和战争带来的后果。
- It shares the destiny of nations and the human tragedies and comedies. 直到今天。它分担着民族的命运,分享着人类的悲欢,
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Stalin looms over the whole human tragedy of 1930-1933 斯大林赫然耸现在1930-1933年整个人类的悲剧中
- There are many human tragedies in the world: Africa, America, China, Taiwan politics. 世界各地都有人类的悲剧:在非洲,美洲,中国,及台湾政治。
- "I am quite concerned that we be sensitive to these true human tragedies while recognizing the potential of a new way to view these infections. “我很关心这样的事实,即当我们认识到看待这些感染的一种潜在的新方法时却又免不了这些真实的人类悲剧。”
- Taken together, Shen Jiong's, Yan Zhitui's, and Yu Xin's writings speak eloquently to us of personal human tragedies against a vast canvas of war, destruction, and displacement. 在北周位望通显的庾信,却似乎从来没有像颜之推那样无奈地接受南朝灭亡的命运,那对他来说,是一个结。
- Speeches distinguish human beings from animals. 人类和动物的区别在于人会说话。