- Such a list, unlike Childe's, highlights human organization. 我们现在能够通过考古学来研究史前史。
- Everyone in this world is either a parent or a child, and together we form the basic unit of human organization. 世界上每一个人,若非为人父母便是为人子女,或是二者身份同时兼而有之,由是组成人类社会的基本架构。
- He kept up with the gruelling casework, particularly in a course called Human Organization and Behavior. 他不断做好累人的社会工作,尤其是涉及人类组织和行为这一课程。
- Learning type organization is a kind of transformation of human organization type at the knowledge economy background. 学习型组织是人类在知识经济背景下对组织形态实施的一次变革。
- Childe's list concerns human achievements and pays less attention to human organization. 给“文明”下一个确切得定义是困难的,它只能依靠你自己的判断标准。
- Sale human organs should be prohibited by legislation in China. 我国立法应明令禁止人体器官买卖。
- For the first time, scientists have grown a human organ from patients'own cells to transplant back into their bodies. 科学家已通过病人自身细胞成功培育出了人体器官,再回植入病人体内,这在医学临床治疗上尚属首次。
- Scientists have long to create such a human organ Chimeric animal is not left Emily to create a monster. 科学家们去制造这些长着人的器官的嵌合体动物,并不是唯恐天下不乱而去制造怪物。
- Marry this with the superhighway and the most profound changes to human organization since the industrial revolution could be just around the corner. 在不远的将来;它将会产生一项自工业革命之来随着人类体制最为深远的变革--与信息超级高速公路两厢结合.;(不知道对否
- Xenotransplantation using pigs as the transplant source has the potential to resole the seere shortage of human organ donors. 猪作为最具潜力的异种供器官源可以解决人类供器官严重短缺的问题。
- Empathy is not possible for an egocentric or animalistic human organism. 一个以自我为中心的,并主张人不过是动物的人是不可能有同情心的。
- This course elaborates on the application of the principles of energy and mass flow to major human organ systems.It discusses mechanisms of regulation and homeostasis. 本课程详细说明能量和质量向人体主要器官流动原理的应用,讨论调节和维持平衡的机制。
- The citizen donating his or her human organ shall fix his or her desire of donation in writing, and shall be entitled to revoke such a fixed desire of donation. 公民捐献其人体器官应当有书面形式的捐献意愿,对已经表示捐献其人体器官的意愿,有权予以撤销。
- Electric impedance tomography enables non-invasive, real-time and dynamic monitoring of structures and functions of human organ and tissue under sports. 电阻抗断层图像技术为无创、实时、动态地监测运动人体器官与组织的结构和功能提供了可行性。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- For 200 years he lived like this, never needing to eat: a weekly cocktail of nutrients and pharmaceuticals keeping the one, irreplaceable fleshly and uniquely human organ alive. 200年间,他就这样活着。用来不需要吃东西,由营养物和药物组成每周鸡尾酒,保持那一个不可替代的血肉的独特的人类器官活着。
- Reports showed that cell differentiation and apoptosis are intimately related to the developing of human organ, and Bcl-2 and Bax proteins played an actively regulating role. 说明凋亡相关因子Bcl-2及Bax在牙齿的发育中发挥着一定的作用。
- Thousands of people die every year because of the unavailability of human organs for transplantation. 每年有成千上万的人因为人体器官不能进行移植而死亡。
- Although federal law prohibits the sale of human organs,there's no record of anyone ever being accused of that crime. 尽管联邦法律禁止买卖人体器官,但是目前还没有人被控此项罪名。