- An Ancient Nutcracker in the Human Family? 人类大家庭中一把远古的胡桃夹子?
- Today God breathes the breath of life into the human family, inspiring people with His acts of love, but. 今天,神也吹出生命气息,把爱注入人。
- I said years ago in one of my theological papers that God was morally obligated to reveal Himself to the human family. 多年前在我一份神学论文里提到,神在道德上有义务向人启示自己。
- Like many a human family, the family of legumes has some skinny members and some fat ones. 就像人类的家族一样,豆科植物家族也有些瘦成员和胖成员。
- Reach out to your extended human family with the message "Peace be with you beloved". 带着“和平与你同在,亲爱的”的讯息,拥抱你扩展的人类家庭。
- S heikh Ahmad Kuftaro, the grand Mufti of Syria, is actively striving to unite the human family. 我亲吻世界上那些为真主的道路、为提高穆斯林尊严而圣战的人们的双手。
- One human family from the orphanage to adopt a white mouse named Stuart small, as the younger son"s younger brother. 一个人类家庭从孤儿院认养一只白老鼠,名叫小史都华,当作小儿子的弟弟。
- In the tellers'world,I realize how small the human family really is and how limited our emotions and problems really are. 讲故事使我明白人类有多么渺小,我们的感情和困惑又是多么狭隘。
- Only by helping the least fortunate of its members to help themselves can the human family achieve the decent satisfying life. 惟有帮助那些最不幸的成员去帮助他们自己,人类这个大家庭才能达到高尚而满足的生活。
- The number one problem in the human family is boredom. Yes, even more than guilt, because boredom produces activity that generates guilt. 人类的第一个问题是沉闷,更甚于罪咎,因为沉闷会带来引致罪咎的活动,它是先出现的。
- And babies are going to be born tomorrow. As long as one new person is coming into the human family there is no reason for anybody to be a pessimist. 只要有一个人即将加入人类的大家庭,就没有理由作悲观主义者,我是乐观主义者,因为还有婴孩出生,太阳明天会升起。
- "It was in this way that he proclaimed his belief that, in the end, we are all brothers and sisters in one human family. 就是用这种方法,他表明自己的信仰。最后,我们相信,在人类这个大家庭里,大家都是兄弟姐妹。
- It is time we set aside this adolescent nit-picking at our differences and began to think of ourselves as a human family, alike in more ways than we are dissimilar. 现在是该抛弃像青春期的年轻人那样在我们差异方面吹毛求疵,并且让我们开始把我们自己看成是一个人类大家庭,相似方面总是多于差异的时候了。
- Moving up the family tree (or, more accurately, family bush), we find more confusion in that the earliest putative members of the human family are not obviously human. 非洲出土的化石中,学者推测是人类支系最早成员的动物,看来并不怎麽像人,教人更为困惑。
- Only by helping the least fortunate of its members to help themselves can the human family achieve the decent, satisfying life that is the right of all people. 只有通过帮助人类大家庭中那些最不幸的成员自助,人类才能过上体面的、令人满意的、人人有权享受的生活。
- But when an advanced prototype robot child named David (Haley Joel Osment) is programmed to show unconditional love, his human family isn't prepared for the consequences. 因儿子患重病在雪藏等待治疗期间,一对夫妻收养了一个名叫大卫的机械小男孩,他与众不同之处是因为他是首个在电脑程式注入爱的机械人。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Curiously, Spotty showed up at Brownie's house alone.Barking, whining and generally pestering2 Brownie's human family, and busy with their own lives, they just ignored the nervous little neighbor dog. 奇怪的是,斯波蒂独自出现在布朗尼主人家,吠叫、哀嚎,还总是缠着家里的人,但他们忙于自己的生活,没有在意邻居家这只神经质的小狗。
- We solemnly reaffirm,on this historic occasion,that the United Nations is the indispensable common house of the entire human family,through which we will seek to realize our universal aspirations for peace,cooperation and development. 在此具有历史意义的盛会,我们庄严重申,联合国是整个人类大家庭不可或缺的共同殿堂,我们将通过联合国努力实现我们全人类谋求和平、合作与发展的普遍愿望。
- We solemnly reaffirm, on this historic occasion, that the United Nations is the indispensable common house of the entire human family, through which we will seek to realize our universal aspirations for peace, cooperation and development. 在此具有历史意义的盛会,我们庄严重申,联合国是整个人类大家庭不可或缺的共同殿堂,我们将通过联合国努力实现我们全人类谋求和平、合作与发展的普遍愿望。