- She spent a huge amount of money on that coat. 她花了大笔的钱买那件衣服。
- They spent huge amounts of money on the bridge. 他们造这座桥花了大量的钱。
- They have a huge amounts of money. 他们很有钱。
- She spends a huge amount of money on that coat. 她花了大笔的钱买那件衣服
- Hi-tech companies invest huge amounts of money into new projects. 各高科技公司投下巨额资金发展新项目。
- They spent a huge amount of money on that villa. 他们花巨款买下了那幢别墅。
- The Sun produce huge amount of energy. 产生如此巨大能量的原因。
- I missed a huge amount of reallife-stuff. 关于幽默,关于挫折(他让你有想吃掉键盘的想法,知道么?)
- The server is designed to store huge amounts of data. 该服务器是为存贮大量数据设计的。
- Huge amounts of cropland, animals and property have been destoryed. 大量的农田、动物、财产被毁。
- He took calculated risks leveraging up huge amounts of money. 他用计算过的风险撬起了很多钱。
- Beijing invested a huge amount of money to the Olympics. 北京为奥运会投入了大量资金。
- The blackmailer milked his victims of huge amounts of money. 敲诈者从受害人身上榨取了大量金钱。
- The ocean contains huge amounts of tiny sea-animals called krill. 海洋拥有大量的叫做鳞虾的小型动物。
- They contributed huge amounts of their own time to the project. 他们把自己的大量时间花在这个工程上。
- Huge amounts of cropland, animals and property have been destroyed. 大量的农田、动物和财产被毁。
- The government spent huge amounts of money on the mass rapid transit system. 政府为大众捷运系统花下钜资。
- Our need is not to scale down debt, but to raise huge amounts of new capital. 我们所需要的不是减少债务,而是筹措庞大数额的新资金。
- Even Mr Zardari has admitted that the militants hold “huge amounts of land”. 就连扎尔达里都承认,极端武装分子占有“大量的地盘”。
- The volunteers contribute huge amounts of their own time to the project. 志愿者们为这项工程贡献出他们自己大量的时间。