- Solar energy boat, potential market and huge commercial opportunity 太阳能游艇:潜在的市场巨大的商机
- It was a huge commercial success---but it did not cure his headaches. 虽然在这项买卖上他大赚了钱,可是却没有治好他的头痛病。
- But the firm is already enjoying an even sweeter form of revenge: huge commercial success. 实际上这家公司已经在品味着一种更甜蜜的报复形式:巨大的商业成功。
- They offer great commercial opportunities for this country if successfully exploited. 如果探索成功,它们将为这个国家提供高赢利的机会。
- The advertisement pattern still occupied respective “the babyhood”, their huge commercial potential truly is developed not yet the use. 广告模式仍然处在各自的“婴儿期”,它们的巨大商业潜力尚未真正被开发利用。
- To Baekeland and others aiming to find commercial opportunities in the nascent electrical industry, that gunk was a signpost pointing toward something great. 但贝克兰和其他在刚起步的电力工业中寻求商机的人认为,这个黏糊糊的东西将导致某种伟大的发现。
- The summer blockbuster's huge commercial success landed Carell a multi-million dollar three-movie deal with studio Warner Bros. last month. 这部暑期档大片获得了巨大的商业成功,从而给了卡莱尔上个月与华纳兄弟签下了三部电影的机会,价值几百万美金的片酬。
- After Milan high-level realizes the young Bei huge commercial value, the Gary Asia Nepal proposed rents the young Bei idea. 米兰高层意识到小贝巨大的商业价值之后,加里亚尼提出了租借小贝的想法。
- Outside the parking lot, still have the of all kinds small shop of the housekeep with dispersive circuit, comprised a huge commercial city... 停车场外,还有一圈分散的自立门户的各类小商店,组成了一个庞大的商业城。
- At a meeting of the Athens 2008 Business Club - set up to exploit the commercial opportunities of the Games - Deputy Finance Minister Petros Doukas was in ebullient mood. 但是,本国运动员的兴奋剂丑闻和旅游业的低靡破坏了希腊的形象,这使希腊政府十分恼火。
- At a meeting of the Athens 2004 Business Club - set up to exploit the commercial opportunities of the Games - Deputy Finance Minister Petros Doukas was in ebullient mood. 在2004雅典奥运会商业俱乐部的一次会议上,希腊财政副部长彼得罗斯·多卡斯仍情绪高涨,雄心勃勃。这个俱乐部是为了开发奥运商机而成立的。
- Is There Commercial Opportunity in the Development of a New Influenza Vaccine? 新的流行性感冒疫苗开发机会?
- Traditional historical commercial brands are used again in commercial society.They display the huge commercial value and shoulder the social culture the inheritance duty in the market economy. 传统的历史商业品牌,在今天的市场经济社会中被重新利用,可以发挥出巨大的商业价值,并肩负起历史文化的传承任务。
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要处理。
- The two parties shall attempt concrete network with different sectors and to work of expanding it as to facilitate acknowledgements of the available commercial opportunities in both countries. 第三条缔约双方应尽力在经济贸易各领域切实建立并不断扩展联系网络,协助实现两国商机。
- He urged Australia to embrace internationalism and touched on a range of global issues, from international security to the commercial opportunities offered by the world's need for cleaner energy. 他敦促澳大利亚拥抱国际主义以及参与从国际安全到世界清洁能源需求带来的商业机会等一系列全球事务。
- In the meantime, because hub airport has much fare and goods hereinto to turn, bring more commercial opportunities to the airport, raised economic benefits to create a condition for the airport. 同时,枢纽机场由于有大量的旅客和货物在此中转,给机场带来更多的商业机会,为机场提高经济效益创造了条件。
- The huge trees were profiled against the night sky. 在夜空的映衬下显出大树的轮廓。
- At Veida, almost every family raise sneak, the sneak product also brought the commercial opportunity to this town. 在维达,几乎户户养蛇,蛇制品给这座小城带来了无限的商机。
- He has a huge overdraft to pay off. 他有一大笔透支要偿还。