- huevos rancherosph. 墨西哥式煎蛋
- Buscar seis pies al gato. Buscar el pelo al huevo. 吹毛求疵.
- Jesus Tejeda broke in upon the small rancheros near Terrabella. 杰苏斯·台杰达来侵犯台拉佩拉附近的小牧场主人啦。
- Jiaozi / raviolis, empanadas, pan cocido al vapor y sandwiches, huevos cocidos, embutido, caldo y agua mineral. 饺子、包子、馒头和三明治、咸鸡蛋、香肠、汤和矿泉水。
- I.Una madre le dice a su hijo casi todos los dias: ven,hijo,toma este vaso de leche y come un huevo. 一位母亲几乎天天对她的儿子这样说:来;儿子;喝了这杯牛奶再吃个鸡蛋.
- No trip to San Antonio is complete without sampling Tex-Mex fare. Try the steak ranchero at Rosario's Mexican Cafe and you'll know you've been to Texas! 到圣安东尼奥旅游,若没有享受到“德州与墨西哥”式的美食,就一定枉此一游。在罗萨里奥市的墨西哥咖啡厅尝试牧场人烹调的牛扒,你才真正感受到身处墨西哥。
- I remember the lyrics to songs, like the rancheros I heard played on the juke box in the cantina across from where I slept in Mexico, and the names of special foods I like to eat and therefore want to be able to order. 我会记得歌词,就像我以前墨西哥住处对面一家餐厅内点唱机常播放的歌词,还有我喜欢的特殊食物名称,因为这样可以让我在点菜时用上。
- Flam de Huevo al Caramelo Egg Pudding with Candy Flavor 糖果味鸡蛋布丁
- huevos frescos. 图片 huevos.
- Huevos 韦沃斯
- rancheron. 大牧场主(大牧场工人)