- She's back in the old hovel already. 她已回到原来的破屋里去了。
- This hovel was only one story high. 那所破屋只有一层楼。
- It's very uncomfortable living in a dirty hovel like ours. 住在我们这样肮脏的破屋子里,太不舒服了。
- I don't know how you can bear to live in this hovel. 我不知道你怎能忍受住在这狗窝里。
- He took a turn round the hovel, and added:-- "Like other people. 他在那穷窟里走了一圈,又加上一句:“跟别人一样。”
- Woman and two girl children at hovel where stayed lunch. 3月19日,简陋小屋前的妇人和儿童。
- People is equal the balcony at garment of hovel, air previously. 以前人们把阳台等同于杂物间、晾衣间。
- You now have a particle-based fire effect for your hovel! 您现在有一个基于微粒的射击效果为您的小屋!
- From the same materials one man builds palaces, another hovel. 同样的材料,有人能用其建造出宫殿,而有人只能建成简陋的小屋。
- And if it stays, the poorest hovel is radiant with warmth, with life and color. 而且,如果爱停留,即使最贫穷的茅屋也是带着温暖带着生活和颜色而闪耀发光的。
- Javert's triumph in the Gorbeau hovel seemed complete, but had not been so. 沙威在戈尔博老屋中的胜利看来好象是很全面的,其实不然。
- At that moment the farmer's own son came to the door of the family 6) hovel . 这时,农夫自己的儿子走到了他们家小屋的门前。
- Never shall he be wed to the child of such a wretched soul living in this miserable hovel. 他决不能和住在这个破茅屋里的可怜虫的孩子结婚。
- The hovel of a cutter of wood into lengths for burning, was the only house at that end; all else was wall. 那里唯一的房屋是一个把柴锯成短段便于烧壁炉的工人的小棚屋,此外便只有墙壁。
- The fine ostelry was closed to him,he was seeking some very humble public house, some hovel, however lowly. 那家华丽的旅馆既享以闭门羹,他便想找一家简陋的酒店,一所穷苦的破屋。
- Anyone willing to come to her hovel would obviously not pay much. Very well, then, anyone would do, as long as he paid. 肯进她那间小屋的当然不肯出大价钱,好吧,谁来也好吧,给个钱就行。
- It is far superior to the hovel at Woodend, and the small house at Saint Leonard's Crags. 它比起伍登的茅舍和圣列奥纳德的小屋,不知要好上几倍。
- The fine hostelry was closed to him; he was seeking some very humble public house, some hovel, howeverlowly. 那家华丽的旅馆既享以闭门羹,他便想找一家简陋的酒店,一所穷苦的破屋。
- O Tom Canty, born in a hovel familiar with rags and dirty and misery, what a spectacle is this! 啊,汤姆·康第,不过是个小破房子里出世的穷孩子,一向与破烂、肮脏和苦难结了不解之缘,现在这番景象却是多么煊赫啊!
- The crackling of the burning flesh became audible, and the odor peculiar to chambers of torture filled the hovel. 肉被烧得哧哧作响,穷窟里顿时散布开了行刑室里特有的臭味。