- housing spatial structure 空间结构
- The housing spatial structures in Guangzhou urban built-up area and their causes'analysis 广州市建成区住房空间结构及其成因
- Spatial Structure of Allozyme Frequencies in Castanea mollissima Bl. 中国板栗居群间等位酶基因频率的空间分布。
- Lastly, it expounds the significance of the tourism spatial structure research. 最后简单论述了旅游空间结构的研究意义。
- Conclusion: the housing spatial characters of the low-incoming immigrate will influence the city development both in social and economic area. 研究结论为:低收入流动人口住宅空间分布将会在经济、社会两个方面对城市发展产生影响;
- There is 35% homology between the amino acid residue of the Ang and RNase and their similar spatial structure can both combine with RI as ligand. 血管生成因子的氨基酸残基组成与核糖核酸酶具有35%25的同源性,它们有着极其相似的空间结构都可以作为配体与RI结合。
- In order to keep out the flood, estrade was built as a unique form of village spatial structure. 为了防御洪水,产生了台子这一独特的村落空间结构形式。
- Chapter Three predicts the evolving trend of the spatial structure of the Tumen River Growth Triangle. 第三章,对图们江增长三角空间结构的演变趋势进行了预测。
- Objective:To understanding the stereo spatial structure of blood flow perfusion in hysteromyoma. 目的:了解子宫肌瘤血流灌注的立体结构。
- This paper presents some suggestions optimizing the spatial structure of tourism scenic spots system in Turpan. 并据此提出了吐鲁番地区旅游景区(点)系统的空间结构合理化的建议。
- Long-span spatial truss string structure is a new form of prestressed spatial structure. 大跨度张弦立体桁架结构是一种新型的预应力空间结构形式。
- According to location, transportation and hinterland, an obvious hierarchy of spatial structure exisits in boundary trade port group. 由于区位、通条件的差异性,口岸群的空间结构具有明显的层次性,并在边贸业迹上有所表现。
- Gratf copolymer has bigger specific surface area than homopolymer in spatial structure,which is propitious to bridging.That is why SGM can ... SGM提高絮凝效果的原因是:接枝共聚物在空间结构方面比均聚物显现出较大的比表面积,对桥连有利。
- Taking the Pingyin County as study area, result shows that the model is useful to evaluate rationality of spatial structure of arable land. 选取具有典型低山丘陵特征的平阴县为研究区进行实证研究,结果表明,该模型能够较好地评价当前耕地空间结构的合理性。
- This paper quantitatively analyses the spatial structure of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration using the fractal theory. 摘要运用分形理论,对长株潭城市群空间结构进行定量分析。
- Zuolong Village is a typical Dong Minority village that maintains many original eco-cultures and possesses relatively unabridged spatial structure. 座龙寨是一个保持较多原生态文化、空间结构较完整的典型侗族村寨。
- The corresponding supposal in terms of ecotourism spatial structure and resources exploration structure map are advanced. 提出“一带、三区段、十大重点生态旅游区”的生态旅游资源空间格局构想,给出资源开发格局图。
- City development is a continuous course, urban spatial structure writes down the orbits of human activities and city development in a unique way. 城市发展是一个连续的过程,城市空间结构则以其独特的方式记录着人类活动和城市发展的轨迹。
- Niushou Forest Park, the floristic composition and characteristics, composition and features, spatial structure and succession tendency were analyzed. 研究表明,该群落的植物区系特征具有一定的热带性质,温带区系成分占相当的比例。
- This paper mainly researched on parametric description and meshing algorithm for the free surface of spatial structure with the program development. 本文主要研究了空间结构中自由曲面的参数化描述及网格划分算法,并编制了相应的程序。