- The housing industry is overbuilding. 房屋建筑工业供过于求。
- Higher interest rates are already pinching the housing industry. 提高利率已使住房产业不堪负荷。
- I think LZ means Property Valuer in building or housing industry. 对啊,我本来学建筑的,这也算相关行业吧,呵呵,大家有什么意见或建议吗?
- He flouted President Reggan in 1982 by leading the charge to shore up the recession-plagued housing industry. 他在1982年不顾里根总统意见,出头支持受到衰退影响的住房建筑业。
- Housing industry is a prop industry with great potential, but it is restricted by shortage of funds. 住宅产业是一个具有巨大发展潜力的支柱产业 ,但资金短缺问题已成为制约该产业发展的一个瓶颈。
- "In some senses, the collapse of the housing industry is the best thing that's ever happened," says Larson. “在某种意义上,房屋建筑业的崩溃是历来发生的最好事情,”拉森说。
- Housing industry is to take the initiative in promote China's realty development. 房地产业积极应对,促进中国房地产发展。
- In recent years, some districts at the Shanghai Housing industry, a big hotel, a residential area, a luxury villa after another in rows. 近年来,上海一些区县瞄准了房产业,一个个大饭店、一个个住宅小区、一栋栋中高档别墅拔地而起。
- The housing industry, as a new economy growth poi nt and hot point of consumption in our national economy, has huge potentials for its development. 住宅产业是我国国民经济新的增长点和消费热点,有着巨大的发展潜力。
- By applying the model to Shanghai housing industry, it reveals the relationship between Engel coefficient and living space per person in Shangh... 最后,文章通过该模型对上海住宅房地产市场进行分析,揭示上海市恩格尔系数与人均住房面积的关系,从而有效指导上海房地产市场运行的实践。
- However, the housing industry now is still at the stage of extensive growth with the great imbalance of demand and supply. 但是,我国住宅业仍然面临较大的供需矛盾,整个产业仍处于粗放增长阶段。
- Home foreclosures have put the U.S. housing industry in a state of turmoil, and has hurt the overall economy here and elsewhere. 大量的房屋被收回导致美国的住房业陷入动荡而且对美国以及其他地方的整体经济造成损害。
- Many people have expressed the industry: All the decoration of residential housing production is a "revolution", the housing industry of great significance. 许多业内人士都表示:全装修住宅是住宅生产方式的一次“革命”,对住宅产业化意义重大。
- Housing industry experts say Australia's strong economy and labour market and the Rudd Government's doubling of the first home buyers' grant have buoyed the property market. 住宅产业专家说,澳大利亚强劲的经济和劳动力市场和澳大利亚政府的一倍,首次购房者'赠款提振房地产市场。
- "In the Sates the housing industry has not stabilized" and there will be more deleveraging in the financial and household level leaving no doubt about a recession, he said. “美国的房地产行业还没有稳定”而且在金融机构和家庭层面需要更多地降低杠杆,这无疑会造成衰退,他说。
- Observed from the macrocosm economic environment we can see that, the prospect of the housing industry provides the housing consumption credit with a wild development scope. 个人住房贷款中存在道德风险和逆选择的安全性问题。发展住房消费信贷的建议针对住房消费信贷市场存在的问题,提出如下建议:1、金融机构对策。
- He believed that as long as domestic enterprises at this time to enhance cooperation through labor pains, the Housing Industry tomorrow will be even better. 他认为只要国内企业在此时能够加强合作,度过阵痛,房产业的明天会更好。
- Hou much money are you going to draw from the bank? 你准备从银行取多少钱?
- So ends the story of Hou Yi and the nine: suns. 这就是有名的后羿射日的故事。
- She keeps house industriously and frugally and niggles over every detail of each bill. 她勤俭持家对每张账单的每一项目都仔细核查。