- The fact that household saving rates have plunged in the past three decades does not suggest Americans are terrified by the spectre of more variable incomes. 过去三十年,家庭储蓄率骤降,这个事实并不能说明美国人被收入波动更大这一鬼怪所吓坏。
- Over the same period, the euro-area economies saw no fiscal stimulus and household saving barely budged. 在同一时期,欧元区经济并没有采取什么财政上的刺激政策,居民储蓄率也鲜有变动。
- At 0.3%, the household saving rate is above its all-time nadir, but not by a lot (see chart 2). 眼下美国的家庭储蓄率为0.;3%25,比历史最低值高不了多少(见图2)。
- As the population continues to age, household saving will decline further and may even go negative as the retired live off their large stash of financial assets. 随着人口老龄化的持续,家庭储蓄还将继续下降,并且甚至可能对那些依靠他们的金融资产生活的退休人员造成消极影响。
- Looking at the bigger picture, the household savings proportion for all savings is decreasing. 看更大的图片,家庭储蓄占总储蓄的比例是减少的。
- A report from the O.E.C.D. shows that in nineteen ninety Americans had a household savings rate of seven percent. 1990年,来自经济合作与发展组织的报告显示,美国的居民储蓄率占了7个百分点。
- Economically, Xinzhu came out on top, with average annual household savings of almost 350 thousand NT . 经济上是新竹最优,因为他们平均每户每年的储蓄金额是将近35万台币。
- For those economies that need much bigger rises in household savings rates to adjust for the recession, recoveries will be delayed. 对于那些需要家庭储蓄率幅度更大的上升以应对衰退的经济体来说,复苏将会推迟。
- Nationally, low household savings coupled with huge federal budget deficits means that the country's overall savings rate is negative. 从全国范围看,低家庭储蓄再加上巨额联邦预算赤字意味着国家的总体储蓄率为负数。
- Probably it had been the dearest object of Philemon's desires to have all his household saved;but it was not at first granted him in its fulness. 若尚未全部认识上帝,真是求上帝将这样的救恩临到全家!
- The final factor is that house prices look to have peaked in the three economies and this is likely to lead to a rise in household savings (and thus a slowdown in demand). 最后一个因素是,这三个经济体的房价似乎已见顶,这很可能会导致家庭储蓄上升(从而使需求减缓)。
- She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday. 她不得不为付假期的费用而苦苦攒钱。
- Nevertheless, the sluggish labour market and the low household savings rate in the US were expected to continue to restrain consumption, and many other uncertainties remained. 尽管如此,美国疲弱的劳工市场及低企的家庭储蓄率仍会持续压抑消费,市场亦仍然存在许多其他不明朗因素。
- Growth in China's household savings continues to slow down as people are throwing money into the redhot stock market under lingering inflationary pressures. 在持续的通货膨胀压力下,中国家庭存款的增长持续下降,人们将钱投入到火热的股票市场里。
- As calculated by the Fed, the household savings rate - excluding purchases of consumer durables - seems to have stabilized around 5% of income this year. 美联储计算得出,今年美国家庭剔除耐用消费品支出的储蓄率似乎已经稳定在5%25左右的水平。
- I'm saving up for a refrigerator. 我在省钱买一台电冰箱。
- Governments, he argues, have to borrow the money that banks, businesses and households save or repay because no other part of the economy is willing to do so. 他主张,政府不得不继续向银行、企业、家庭储蓄或还款等方面借钱,因为没有其他的经济部门会愿意借钱给政府。
- There are many household appliances in this shop. 这个商店有许多家用用具。
- I disputed with my wife on household expenses. 我跟太太争论有关家庭费用的问题。
- Jane save up pieces of cloth to make a quilt. 简存了几段布留做棉被用。