- house price ratio 房价收入比
- House prices are low; it's a good time to buy. 现在房价很低,买房子正是时候。
- Firmly grasp their hearts want the house price. 心里牢牢把握自己想要的房子的性价比。
- But, Beijing house price is refuses to fall. 可是,北京房价就是拒绝下跌。
- Indications show that the house price will rise. 种种迹象表明房价将上涨。
- House prices have plummeted in this area. 此地房价大跌。
- The related cruising data demonstrated that at present Guangzhou's house price and wage income ratio is 10.2. 有关调查数据显示,目前广州市的房价与工资收入比值为10.;2。
- House price is rising at a higher rate than inflation. 房价比通货膨胀上涨的比率高。
- House price keeps up and down,but they will eventually even out. 房价有涨有落,但终会稳定的。
- The house price has soared in this big city in recent years. 近几年,这个大城市的房价大幅上涨。
- House prices, which have been static for several months, are now rising again. 房价稳定了几个月,现在又上涨了。
- Why be several years short between can house price soare fivefold? 为什么在短短数年之间屋价能暴涨五倍呢?
- A change in exchange rates is, after all, a change in a price ratio between national moneys. 汇率的变动,归根到底是各国货币之间价格比率的变动。
- The house price eventually leveled off after a surging period. 房价经历了快速上涨之后,终于平稳了。
- If any other price ratio prevailed, somebody would make greater profits by shifting resources. 如果出现任何别的价格比率,那么,就会有人利用资源转移而获得较大的利润。
- As house price declined ceaselessly,annuity was decreasing. 房价不断下滑,养老金日益缩水。
- We designed one system using high capability price ratio DSP chip of TMS320VC5402 of TI Corporation. 我利用TI公司性价比很高的数字信号处理芯片TMS320VC5402设计了一套声源定位系统。
- How Does the Property Taxes Influence House Prices? 财产税是如何影响住宅价格的?
- House prices have gone through the floor this year. 今年房价已经降得很低了。
- Pork/feed price ratio continued to decline, now 4 weeks below the breakeven level announced by NDRC. 猪粮比价持续下降,已经连续四周低于发改委设立的生产平衡预警点,政府计划着手开展冻猪肉收储工作以刺激需求。