- It was hard, hot work getting through the jungle. 通过密林既难又炎热。
- I'mtrying to pop out this dent, but it's not really work ing. 她说:”我正在想办法把这块凹下去的地方吹起来,但是好像不行。“
- Obtain hot work permit prior to commencing work. 开工前必须申请动火许可证。
- Hot work will be permitted only if the LEL is <10%. 只有读数小于10%25的爆炸极限,才能进行动火作业操作。
- Get a Work Permit before you can start the hot work. 办理作业许可证才能进行动火作业。
- According to specially of closed toll road, the composition work ing flow and managing demand of entrance issuing ticket MIS for the toll road ar e analyze d. 根据封闭式收费道路的特点,着重分析入口发卡系统的组成、作流程和管理需求。
- A hot work permit must be obtained to enter a process unit with a vehicle. 驾驶车辆进入工艺单元时应另外再办理一份工作准证。
- It was hot work, so after an hour we plunked ourselves down in a shade. 这是高温作业,所以一小时后我们找了一块阴凉地一屁股坐下去了。
- In fact, they're married. They a re part of a new generation of workaholics with clashing schedules and long work ing hours, whose only hope of a chat and some conjugal rights to meet up at the end of the week. 实际上,他们是夫妇,是新一代工作狂的一份子,双方日程满得相冲突,都工作到很晚,他们惟一能聊聊天及行使夫妻间权利的指望就是在周末来个约会。
- In fact,they're married. They a re part of a new generation of workaholics with clashing schedules and long work ing hours,whose only hope of a chat and some conjugal rights to meet up at the end of the week. 实际上,他们是夫妇,是新一代工作狂的一份子,双方日程满得相冲突,都工作到很晚,他们惟一能聊聊天及行使夫妻间权利的指望就是在周末来个约会。
- This article introduces the main type of fault for the power car of type DJJ 1 EMU,then analyzes the basic work ing prin ciple of the disabled part and brings up the improvement project for the control system. 针对DJJ1型高速交流传动电动车组(“蓝箭”号)动力车的主要故障类型,分析了其基本工作原理,并提出了控制系统改进方案。
- The work ing mainframe, grinding material separator and dust-collecting box assem bled together, which is easy and convenient to operate and space-saving and can eliminate environmental pollution. 2、本系列机型工作主机、磨料分离器、除尘箱有机配为一体,操作简单易学,节省占地面积,消除环境污染。
- Adequate air supply must be provided as hot work will deplete oxygen content in the confine space. 应确保提供足够的空气,因为动火工作会消耗封闭空间的氧气。
- Hot work will not be permitted if readings >10% of the LEL or >23.5% oxygen are detected. 若可燃性气体含量达到了爆炸极限的10%25以上,(或者氧含量大于23.;5%25), 则不得进行操作。
- The firewatcher should remain in the area for at least thirty (30) minutes after completion of the hot work. 监护人在动火结束后至少还要在场30分钟。
- The navigation deck is not plain, we will fair the deck by hot working. 驾驶甲板不平,我们要火工校正。
- Reminding : the form of Hot Work Permit should be filled and get authorize of HSE manager and kindling from the company-guard . 提示:此操作前需填写{热态作业许可证},得有关部门认可,于门房取火种。
- In areas where hot work is not already precluded by Location Regulations, notices may also be required to stop hot work and smoking. 在尚未规定为杜绝动火作业的区域里,则需要设置停止动火作业和吸烟的通知。
- Do not carry out any hot work such as cutting, grinding, welding or soldering on a hydrogen installation. When hot work is necessary obtain a Work Permit. 在氢气设备周围不要进行任何动火作业,例如,切割、磨砂、焊接。动火作业必须取得工作许可证。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。