- Water damage of hot mixture asphalt (HMA) is a leading mode of premature disease of asphalt pavement. 热拌沥青混合料的水损害现象是沥青路面早期破坏的主要形式,也是国内外该领域研究的热点。
- The industrial process is carried out on a huge scale in an fractionating column.The hot mixture of liquid and vapor is led into the colum. 把原油中的混合烃分离为各个单一组分是无益的,或者是不必要的。
- To increase their strength and smoothness the leads are then treated with a hot mixture which includes candelilla wax from Mexico, paraffin wax, and hydrogenated natural fats. 为了提高其强度和顺滑性,还要用一种滚热的混合物处理铅笔芯,其中包括固体石蜡、经过氢化处理的天然脂肪和产自墨西哥的大戟石蜡。
- As the hot mixture cools off, the long strands of animal protein lock together into a solid framework, trapping tiny droplets of liquid water in the process. 当热混合物变凉,长长的动物蛋白丝会锁拢形成一个固体框架,在这个过程中捕捉微滴的液态水。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- The hot weather has soured the milk. 炎热的天气使牛奶变酸了。
- The hot weather made me feel lethargic. 炎热的天气使我昏昏欲睡。
- It is neither hot nor cold in winter here. 这里冬天既不热也不冷。
- The seedling have shrivel up a bit in the hot sun. 在炎热的太阳光下,幼苗已有一点乾枯。
- The hot pavement sent up shimmers. 晒热的道路浮起热气晃动的景象。
- Hot and cold are contrary terms. 热与冷是相反的词语。
- Ouch! The sand is so hot! I can burn my feet. 哎哟!沙子这么烫!会烫伤脚的。
- Soft drinks are much in demand this hot weather. 这么热的天气,软饮料需求量很大。
- My mother usually cooks a hot meal in the evening. 我妈妈通常在晚上煮一顿热饭。
- The room was so hot that she felt dizzy. 房间里如此之热,以至于她觉得头晕目眩。
- On a hot day a dip in the sea is sheer paradise. 热天洗个海水澡是十分令人惬意的事。
- I get a feeling of inertia in a hot summer day. 在盛夏我有一种懒洋洋的感觉。
- A good hot summer could dry the ground out. 一个炎热的夏天可以将大地干透。
- Don't argue with one who is in hot blood. 不要和正在气头上的人争论。
- I gave it to him hot for that matter. 为那事我把他臭骂了一顿。