- Hot coffee revived the cold, tired man. 热咖啡使这个又冷又累的人恢复了精力。
- Hot coffee can give first-degree burns. 热咖啡能造成一度烫伤。
- He scalded his tongue with hot coffee. 滚热的咖啡烫伤了他的舌头。
- Hot coffee revives a cold tired man. 热咖啡使那个人从寒冷和疲劳中恢复过来。
- Elizabeth took a sip of the hot coffee. 伊丽莎白呷了一口热咖啡。
- Hot coffee revives a cold tired man . 热咖啡使那个人从寒冷和疲劳中恢复过来。
- The hot coffee melts the sugar . 热咖啡能把糖溶化了。
- She cupped her hands round the mug of hot coffee. 她把双手捂在热咖啡杯的周围。
- The hot coffee near the clock is for the doctor. 那杯靠着钟的热咖啡是给那位医生的。
- I drink hot coffee with milk every morning . 我每个早上都喝加牛奶热的咖啡.
- He scalded his tongue on the hot coffee. 他喝热咖啡烫伤了舌头。
- The mug tipped over, spilling hot coffee everywhere. 杯子倒了,热咖啡溅得到处都是。
- She put the big hot coffee urn on the table and plugged it in. 她将大咖啡壶放在桌子上,接上电源。
- A cup of hot coffee with milk, a hamburger and a salad. (我要)一杯加奶的热咖啡、一个汉堡包和一份沙拉。
- Hot coffee revived the/" target="_blank">the cold, tired man. 热咖啡使这个又冷又累的人恢复了精力。
- Had he really flung a cup of hot coffee at his 14-year-old stepson? 他真的把一杯热咖啡泼向了妻与前夫生的十四岁的儿子吗?
- We took thermos of hot coffee to drink when we went cross - country skiing. 我们去越野滑雪时带了几保温瓶备用的热咖啡。
- We take thermos of hot coffee to drink when we go cross-country skiing. 我们去越野滑雪时带了几保温瓶备用的热咖啡。
- We take thermos of hot coffee to drink when we go cross country skiing. 我们去越野滑雪时带了几保温瓶备用的热咖啡。
- The hot coffee melts the sugar. 热咖啡能把糖溶化了。