- hot blast pig iron 热风生铁
- Pig iron used as permanent ballast. 压载铁做为永久性压舱物的生铁
- The iron extracted from the blast furnace is known as pig iron . 从高炉中提炼出的铁叫生铁。
- The iron extracted from the blast furnace is known as pig iron. 从高炉中萃取出的铁叫生铁。
- white cold blast pig iron 冷风白口铁
- Pig iron is converted into steel by removing most but not all the impurities. 生铁变成钢要除掉大部分而不是全部的杂质。
- Furnace grate is a main part of hot blast stove. 炉箅子是高炉热风炉的重要部件之一。
- cold blast pig iron 冷风生铁
- colk blast pig iron [机] 冷风高炉生铁
- Blast Furnace: Use iron ore from the mines to make pig iron for you weapons. 鼓风炉:铁矿石在这里炼成生铁,可以用来制造武器。
- Construction of high temperature and long life internal combustion hot blast stove at Anshan Iron and Steel Co. 鞍钢高风温长寿命内燃式热风炉的建设。
- Pig iron may contain 4% of carbon. 生铁约含有4%25的碳。
- The freighter carrying pig iron is cleaving through the water. 装着生铁的货船正在破浪前进。
- Supply of high temperature hot blast for 3200m~3 BF at Wuhan I & S Co. 武钢3200m~3高炉使用高风温实践
- Cannons are made here from pig iron and wood. 生铁和木头在这里被制成大炮。
- This building makes muskets from pig iron. 生铁在这里被制成步枪。
- The direct reduction of iron ore pellet process by shaft furnace with gasification ofcoal,enriched oxygen,vapor and hot blast and the character of this process are introduced. 以固体气化煤为燃料,富氧加湿的高温鼓风为气化剂,制取合格的高质量煤气输入还原竖炉,含铁原料在竖炉内的高温煤气作用下转化为直接还原铁。
- Pig iron may contain 4% of carbon . 生铁约含有4%25的碳。
- The hot air is always carried to the furnace by a powerful turboblower, through the hot blast main, bustle pipe, bootleg, blowpipe and tuyere. 热风由功率强大的鼓风机通过热风总管、环形风管、风口小弯管、直吹管和风口不断鼓人高炉。
- A furnace in which pig iron is converted into steel by the Bessemer process. 炼钢熔炉一种通过酸性转炉法将生铁练成钢的设备