- hot ash corrosion 热灰腐蚀
- Hot ash from John's pipe set fire to the papers. 从约翰的烟斗里倒出来的热烟灰使这些文件烧了起来。
- The volcano erupted, raining hot ash over a wide area. 火山喷发,将炽热的火山灰洒落在一大片地域上。
- He quickened the hot ashes into flames. 他使未熄灭的灰烬燃起火苗。
- Hot ashes for trees? Hot air for a cool breeze? 用灰烬交换了绿树?用滚烫的空气交换了凉风?
- The Chaiten volcano spewed hot ash, gas, and molten rock after being dormant for thousands of years. 在沙伊顿火山沉睡了几千年之后,喷出了大量热灰,气体和熔岩。
- The hot ash and the lava from the volcano Etna brought total destruction to the village. 来自埃及特纳火山的滚烫的火山灰和熔岩给那个小村庄带来彻底的毁灭.
- A pyroclastic flow is a ground-hugging avalanche of hot ash, pumice, rock fragments, and volcanic gas that rushes down the side of a volcano at several hundred miles an hour. 火山灰流是热的火山灰,浮石,岩石碎片等以一小时几百英里的速度,沿着火山一侧流出。
- And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts? Hot ashes for trees? 他们让你用你的英雄换来鬼魂了吧?用青翠的树木换来炽热的灰烬了吧?
- Do not pick up anything that is burning or smoking, such as cigarettes, matches, or hot ashes. 禁止吸类似仍在燃烧或者烧烟的物体,比如烟头、火柴或者未熄灭的热灰。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- The hot weather has soured the milk. 炎热的天气使牛奶变酸了。
- And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts? Hot ashes for trees? Hot air for a cool breeze? Cold comfort for change? 那么他们是否让您用自己的英雄换成鬼魂?热灰换成树木?炽热的空气换成冰冷的微风?漠然的舒适换成改变?
- The hot weather made me feel lethargic. 炎热的天气使我昏昏欲睡。
- It is neither hot nor cold in winter here. 这里冬天既不热也不冷。
- The seedling have shrivel up a bit in the hot sun. 在炎热的太阳光下,幼苗已有一点乾枯。
- The hot pavement sent up shimmers. 晒热的道路浮起热气晃动的景象。
- oil ash corrosion 燃油灰分腐蚀
- Hot and cold are contrary terms. 热与冷是相反的词语。
- Ouch! The sand is so hot! I can burn my feet. 哎哟!沙子这么烫!会烫伤脚的。