- hospital value concept 医院价值观
- We are larruping for our core value conception. 核心价值观使我们与众不同。
- "Sincere, Steady, Acute ", pursue the maximal profits for the clients, is our core value concept . “诚信、稳健、敏锐”,为客户谋求最大的利益,是我们的核心价值观。
- The neo-liberalism inherits the key value concept of liberalism, strives to avert state sovereignty and highly advocates global rule. 全球化语境下的新自由主义传承自由主义的核心价值理念,是力图消弭民族国家主权、极力推崇全球统治的话语体系。
- Corporate value conception: how to put it into effect? 企业价值观:怎样才能落实?
- The concept of "constructing a harmonious society" is an expression of a new value concept combining Holy and Secularisation. “构建社会主义和谐社会”的提出体现了向一种神圣与世俗相结合的新价值观的转换。
- It is a long study subject to study the sports value conception. 对体育价值观念问题的研究,是一个长久的课题。
- The value concept performs dominant function in the social life.It affects the people's idea and practice from omnibearing. 在社会生活中,价值观念起主导作用,从而全方位的影响着人们的理念及实践活动。
- The fair value concept has rich connotations and denotations, by making the concept as a core, the author formed a complete concept system. 第二,公允价值概念的内涵和外延都十分丰富,以之为核心,可以构建起一个完整的概念体系。
- The global move of capital,commodity,telecommunications and news media has bombarded traditional value concept and social consciousness. 资本、商品、通信和新闻媒介的全球流动对主权国家的传统价值观和社会意识形态形成巨大冲击。
- There are three major approaches to the macroscopic study of rhetoric history: thinking mode, aesthetic idea and value concept. 摘要修辞史的宏观研究主要可从思维方式、审美观念、价值观念三个方面入手。
- In addition, the field value concept is introduced in the image fusion technology to solve the smooth transition problem through overlap region. 此外,在图像融合技术中引入了域值的概念,从而解决了重叠区域图像平滑过渡问题。
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- While the occurrence of Internet technology is changing the original traditional thinking pattern, behavior way, value concept and cognize pattern of human being. 而网络技术的出现正在改变人们既有的传统思维模式、行为方式、价值观念和认知模式。
- Environmental value concept is a value system of being multifaceted, this system not only changes with individual recognition, but also evolves as the transformation of times. 摘要生态价值观是一个多方面的价值体系,该体系不仅随个体的认识而变化,也随时代变迁而不断演进。
- Its core is still maintaining steadying.Yet in the progress of the globalization, because of different elements shocks , the national value concept alternates. 但是在全球化的进程中,由于受到了各种因素的冲击,民族价值观内容发生变动。
- The new national value concept will draw lessons from the excellentexternal culture ,exhaling the old and inhaling the new, draining away the mud and bringing in the fresh water . 新的民族价值观要能借鉴优秀的外来文化,做到吐故纳新和激浊扬清;
- Anis:We organize our product in a way which it includes the hospitality value of the Starwood Core Value standards of the Four Points: Honest, Comfort, Uncomplicated. 在我们的产品和我们集团的文化中,它包括了我们福朋核心价值标准:诚信、舒适、简约。
- A church, school, hospital, asylum, or prison is an institution. 教堂,学校,医院,收容所或监狱皆属公共机构。
- He is out and about now after two weeks in hospital. 在医院住了两个礼拜後,现在他能外出走动了。