- The horizontal zonality and the vertical zonality of the aquatic plant distribution in Zhejiang Province were analysed. 探讨了浙江水生植物的水平地带性和垂直地带性分布规律。
- Regional and space distribution of natural hazards obeys three rules:horizontal zonality,non-zonality and vertical zonality. 河南省自然灾害的地域空间分异,主要遵循水平地带性规律、非地带性规律与垂直地带性规律。
- The horizontal zonality mainly controls the types of natural hazards in Henan,and the others mainly control intensity of natural hazards. 水平地带性主要影响以致控制灾害的不同类型,非地带性与垂直地带性则主要影响各种灾害的成灾强度。
- Therefore, geographical division of insects should be mainlybased on horizontal zonal vegetation, climatesand insect composition. 所以,昆虫的地理分区应主要根据地带性植被、气候和昆虫组成来进行。
- In regions strongly influenced by marltime monsoon and moist air current, the vertical zonality of soil coincides basically with horizontal zonality of soil. 结论土壤空间演替只要受水热条件的影响,通常在受海洋季风和湿润气候影响强烈的地区,土壤垂直地带性为水平地带性的缩影。
- Keywords primary geochemical anomaly;Shanhu W-Sn orefield;horizontal zonality; 原生地球化学异常;珊瑚矿田;水平分带;
- The vertical line meets the horizontal one here. 垂直线与水平线在此相交。
- Keywords Regional and space differentiation;Horizontal zonality;Non-zonality;Vertical zonality; 地域空间分异;水平地带性;非地带性;垂直地带性;河南;
- The sun rises from the horizontal line. 太阳从地平线上升起。
- Please put your armrest into horizontal position for landing. 降落时请将座位扶手放于水平位置。
- The horizontal beam on a cross or gallows. 横梁十字架或绞架上的水平横梁
- A transverse or horizontal piece, as of a structure or implement. 横梁结构或工具等的横向的或水平部分
- A horizontal row of printed or written words or symbols. 字行水平的一行印刷或书写的字或符号
- A pair of horizontal parallel lines drawn across a shield. 盾形纹章上的横条纹画在盾形纹章上的两条水平的平行线
- A closely woven silk or rayon fabric with narrow horizontal ribs. 罗缎有窄的横棱纹的一种丝或人造丝的紧密织物
- horizontal zonality 水平带性,水平地带性
- One tester had better results using zonal marking. 一个测试最好成绩使用分区标识。
- A nail driven obliquely, as to join vertical and horizontal beams. 斜钉一个斜钉的钉子,如用于连接垂直或水平木梁的钉子
- horizontal zonal soil 水平带性土壤
- The upper horizontal part of a step in a staircase. 踏步板楼梯中一个台阶上的水平的上部