- horizontal relation of jaws 颌间水平关系
- A relation of mine is coming to stay. 我有个亲戚要来此暂住。
- I understand her to be a distant relation of his. 据我了解,她是他的一位远亲。
- His relation of his adventure fascinated us. 他讲述的关于自己的冒险经历使我们听入了迷。
- Primary intra-osseous carcinoma of jaws. 十、颌骨原发性骨内癌。
- Some people may regard radio as the poor relation of broadcasting. 有些人可能认为无线电广播在广播事业中稍逊一筹。
- CR-V wide range of jaw adjustment can be used. 铬钒钢材质开口可大幅度调整。
- Premature rupture of membranes with the research of the horizontal relation of blood selenium in the parent 胎膜早破与母体血硒水平的研究
- I understand him to be a distant relation of hers. 据我了解,他是她的一个远亲。
- It was a frightening face, pointed of chin, square of jaw. 这是一张吓人的脸庞,尖下巴,方下腭。
- The dummy is no relation of ours. 这个哑巴不是我家的亲戚。
- A relation of yours is coming to see you. 您的一个亲戚就要来看您了。
- Einstein studied the relation of energy and mass. 爱因斯坦研究了能量与质量的关系。
- The relation of consequent to antecedent;deduction. 推理前后因果关系;推理
- The Relation of Ministers to Ruling Elders. 牧师与治理性长老的关系。
- Application of a Cyst Plug in Marsupialized Cysts of Jaws. 囊肿塞在颌骨囊肿治疗中的应用。
- On the Relation of Ethnic Right and Duty. 论民族权利与民族义务的关系。
- A mysterious relation of money and me. 金钱与我不可思议的关系。
- A grasping tool having a pair of jaws and handles pivoted together to work in opposition. 镊子,钳子一种抓握工具,有一对虎钳牙及交叉的柄,放在轴上一起反方向工作
- A near relation of yours is coming to see you. 你的一个近亲将要来看你。