- hop extracting apparatus 啤酒花提取器
- A new circular microwave extracting apparatus was described, which was suitable to sample pretreatment. The apparatus was used to extract the flavones in gingko leaves. 微波;;核苷酸图谱;;银杏叶;;黄酮;;自动化;;实验室;;色谱法,高压液相;;方法
- fat extracting apparatus for fluid 液体脂肪抽出器
- tetrahydro-isomerized hop extract 四氢异构化啤酒花浸膏
- fat extracting apparatus for solid 固体脂肪抽出器
- electric fat extracting apparatus 电热脂肪抽出器
- Separating polyacrylamide(PAM) and acrylamide(AM) by Soxhlet extraction apparatus is simple and convenient on operating. 利用索氏提取法分离聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)与丙烯酰胺(AM)。
- ultrasonic cataract crushing and extracting apparatus 超声波白内障粉碎吸出仪
- Hop it now. I want to clear this room for meeting. 快走开,我要打扫这房间准备开会。
- I hop you are all geared up for the mew sales campaign. 我希望你们都为新的销售活动做好准备。
- ultrasonic crushing and extracting apparatus for cataract 超声波白内障粉碎吸出仪
- Hop in, I'll give you a lift to the station. 上车吧,我开车送你去车站。
- Flying many hop is you go to make in your flight? 你这次飞行打算中途停多少个地方?
- Flower of Plumera rubra Linn cv acutifolia was dried under sunshine.Then the essential oil of the flower was extracted using water vapor extraction apparatus, yield of which was 0.110%. 摘要将自然光照下晒干的鸡蛋花样品采用水蒸汽提取装置提取精油,得到棕黄色的精油固体,得率为0.;110%25。
- Are you coming to the hop tonight? 今晚你来跳舞吗?
- He had hurt his left foot and had to hop along. 他左脚受伤了,不得不单足跳行。
- The pursuer cleared the fence in one hop. 追捕者一跳越过了栅栏。
- I hop you will take to heart the warning you have been given. 我希望你能认真考虑人家给你的告诫。
- There are some electrical apparatus in the room. 房间里有些电器。
- If you see anyone hanging around here tell them to hop off. 如果你看到有人在这儿闲荡,就叫他们走开。