- hook for handbag or briefcase 手提包或公文包挂钩
- A small hook for fastening a button on shoes or gloves. 钮扣钩用于将钮扣紧固在鞋或衣袖上的一种小钩
- It's a hook for associating data with one or more sites. 翻译:它是一个把数据与一个或多个站点关联起来的钩子。
- We've had him on the hook for two weeks now. 我们用拖延手段已使他等了两个星期了。
- Make sure your cards are readily available in a pocket or briefcase. 你的名片应放在便于拿出的地方--放在兜里或公文包里。
- When boarding, have the exact fare ready so you don't have to open your handbag or wallet in a crowd. 在上车的时候,把正确的车票准备好以便你不需要在人群中打开你的手袋或钱包。
- Or finding little ways to express love, such as leaving a note in a lunch box or briefcase. 或者想出一些表示爱的小点子,比如在午饭盒里或是公文包里留个条子等。
- But as the driver inspects the flat, a third thief snatches a purse or briefcase on the front seat. 正当车主检查漏气的轮胎时,第三个贼偷走了车前座上的钱包或者公文包。
- The machine apply for leather handbags or instep folding turn edging. 该机适合皮革、皮包、鞋面折边、翻边。
- Everything’s right here in convenient daily packs that you can stash in your car, purse, or briefcase. 一切的权利,这里交通便利,每天折,你可以藏在你的车,钱包,或公事包。
- The strengthening of the dollar means luxury-goods companies are earning more than they had budgeted on every handbag or piece of clothing sold in dollars. 美元走强意味着奢侈品公司在美国每卖出一只手袋或一件时装获得的实际收入要高于原来的预期。
- Anderson design those hooks for hanging coats. 安德森设计这些挂钩来挂外套。
- My mom hooked for me this sweater. 妈妈为我钩了这件毛衣。
- The Wardrobe Department has an entire room just for handbags! 道具组用整整一个房间来放手袋。
- When carrying a bag or briefcase, switch sides frequently to avoid placing the bulk of weight on only one side of your body. 拎手提包或公文包时,两边要频繁的换着拎,避免让身体的一侧负担过重。
- I can make do with this handbag for some time. 我这个提包还可以应付一阵子。
- It's called echolalia.I don't necessarily understand the context or the terminology I'm using, I just know it gets me off the hook for coming up with a reply. 仿说"---是用来称呼这个行为的专用词汇,我并不一定了解我说的内容,我只知道我必须说一些回应别人话,所以我用这些台词来脱身。
- Thanks to new technology, devices are getting smaller. Things that used to fill a suitcase can now be slipped into a small handbag or a pocket. 拜新科技之赐,现在的装置越来越小巧了。从前要装满一个手提箱的东西,现在可以装进一个小手袋或口袋就行了。
- Manipulator with retractable hooks for handling hessian sacks. 装备可收缩吊钩的机械手,用于搬运大包货物。
- She fumbled about in her handbag for a pen. 她在手提袋中搜寻钢笔。