- I think I recognize your hoof in it. 我看出你在这里面插了一手。
- hoof pincers 蹄钉钳
- The last bus had gone so we had to hoof it home. 末班公共汽车已经开走了,我们只好走回家。
- The horse snorted and stamped its hoof impatiently. 这匹马呼哧呼哧地喘着气,不耐烦地跺着蹄子。
- A pair of pincers used in medical treatment. 在医学治疗中应用的一对钳子。
- He worked with a pair of pincers. 他用一把钳子工作。
- Crabs have two sharp and large pincers. 螃蟹有两个又大又锋利的钳子。
- Many cattle are also sold outside of North Carolina. They are driven to Virginia and sold on the hoof. 许多牛还卖到北卡罗来纳州以外的地区。这些牲口被赶到弗吉尼亚州出售待宰。
- Never had such pincers seized him hitherto. 他从来还没有遇到过这种夹棍的压榨。
- I think I have seen your hoof in it. 我认为我看出了你在这件事里插了一手。
- To be the pincers and to turn into a hand! 本是铁钳,却又变成一只手!
- Let's hoof it to the supermarket. 我们步行到超级市场去吧。
- The horny part of a horse's hoof. 蹄槽马蹄的角状部分
- Of, resembling, or bearing a hoof, nail, or claw. 爪的;指甲的属于、像或有蹄、指甲或爪的
- The last bus has gone,so we have to hoof it home. 末班公共汽车已经开走了,我们只好走回家。
- Make sure you massage his cIoven hoof! 希望你们多按摩按摩他的厚猪皮!
- Horn of a bull, hoof of a horse, smile of a Saxon. 公牛的角,马的蹄子,撒克逊人的微笑[130]。
- Many other diseases can affect the hoof. 其它疾病的影响。
- I can't be on the hoof to put what you return! 我是不会活着放你回去的!
- A hoof pick for loosening any rocks. 一个蹄勾,用以勾出马蹄内的石块。