- Dr Yang Liwei, Doctor of Science, honoris causa. 荣誉理学博士杨利伟博士。
- Dr William Mong Man Wai, Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa. 荣誉社会科学博士蒙民伟博士。
- Professor Lao Yung-wei (Lao Sze-kwang) was conferred the degree of Doctor of Literature, honoris causa. 劳荣玮(劳思光)教授获颁授荣誉文学博士学位。
- The Dalai Lama was speaking Monday in the Polish city of Krakow, where he received the Honoris Causa doctorate from Jagiellonian University. 达赖星期一在波兰的克拉科夫市发表了演讲,并在那里接受了克拉科夫雅盖隆大学的荣誉博士学位。
- Mr Pro-Chancellor, I have the honor to presentto you, on behalf of the University, Dr Lee Shau Kee, global businessleader, real property baron and philanthropist, for the degree ofDoctor of Business Administration honoris causa. 副监督先生,本人谨代表香港科技大学,恭请阁下颁授工商管理学荣誉博士学位予世界商业领袖,地产界翘楚及慈善家李兆基博士。
- The multi-millionaire, who now lives in a Georgian mansion in the city with her husband and two children, was collecting one of the university’s highest accolades, the degree of doctor honoris causa. 这位拥有几百万身价,目前和丈夫两个孩子住在城市的一所乔治亚风格的公寓里,得到了大学的最高学历--荣誉博士学位。
- Senators (honoris causa - honorary member of the Academic Senate) 评议员(荣誉学术评议会成员)
- a law degree honoris causa 荣誉法学学位
- honoris causa degree [法] 荣誉学位
- honoris causa [拉](=for the sake of honour) 为名誉起见
- A causa di un negozio simile a Linyi. 由于在临沂类似的专卖店。
- A causa de la lluvia,no salimos. 由于下雨我们不出去。
- Act III Scene 4: Recitativo - Hai gia vinta causa! 第三幕第四场:宣叙调-Hai gia vinta causa!
- Civitas bellum sine causa bona aut propter iram gerere non debet. 若没有好的源由,而只凭一股怒气,人民不应走上战场。
- Objective Explore the causa morbi and treatment of lacunar cerebral infarction. 目的探讨腔隙性脑梗死的发病原因及治疗。
- Ascoltate, o monti, la causa dell’Eterno, e voi, saldi fondamenti della terra! 大山啊!你们要听耶和华的争辩。大地永久的根基啊!
- In conclusion, the universe is a spontaneous, contradictive, orderly cycling field of force causa sui. 总之,宇宙是一个自发、矛盾、有序循环的自因力场。
- Try to explore the causa morbi and mechanism,also the description of ophthalmological blood symptoms in TCM. 试探中医对眼科血证的病因病机、治则及遣方用药的认识。
- It makes its origin discussion from four points:name,causa morbi,mechanism and treatment. 通过文献考证对痰饮病从病名、病因、病机、治法四个方面进行源流探讨。