- Sale in the home market rise by22%. 国内市场的销售量提高了22%。
- But this is a bad time in the homing market. 但是现在房地产市场很不景气。
- They sell mainly to the home market. 他们主要向国内市场销售。
- They sell to the home market,but they don't export. 他们向国内市场销售,但不出口。
- The cars are made for the home market. 这些小车生产出来在国内销售。
- The absence of a large homogeneous home market? 缺少巨大的本土同质市场?
- They sell to the home market but they don't export. 他们在国内市场销售,但是不出口。
- Sale in the home market rise by 22%. 国内市场的销售量提高了22%25。
- Their sale is mainly in the home market. 他们的销售主要是在国内市场。
- Their new products bombed on the home market. 他们的新产品在国内市场销售失败。
- We need machines whose parts can be obtains in home market. 我们需要能在国内市场买到零件的机器。
- This company has a large home market (ie many buyers within the country) but doesn't export. 这家公司国内市场很大,不做出口生意。
- They sell to the home market ,but they do not export . 他们向国内市场销售,但不出口。
- Computers produced by Legend sell very well in the home market. 联想(集团)生产的电脑在国内市场很走俏.
- The Common Market offered her a much larger home market. 共同市场为她提供了大得多的内部市
- An original creation of unequaled quality in the home market. 国内首家独创,质量超群绝伦。
- They sell to the home market , but they do not export . 他们向国内市场销售,但不出口。
- Turning to home markets is to counter the fallout. 我们要转向国内市场应对不测(副作用)。
- This product has unfading popular seller in home market. 这种产品在国内市场上畅销不衰已经三年了。
- Patisse is market leader in their home market, Holland. 帕蒂斯公司在其本土荷兰是市场的领导者。