- During the year,57806 patients were served and 729053 home visits were made. 年内,社康护理员为57806名病人提供服务,并进行了729053次家访。
- During the year, 57806 patients were served and 729053 home visits were made. 年内,社康护理员为57806名病人提供服务,并进行了729053次家访。
- Pictured below are volunteer and teachers conducting home visits together. 下面是志愿者们和老师们一起去家访的照片。
- The MSF medical team always brought us some food during the home visits. 二零零四年六月的一天,老婆突然瘫痪,口眼歪斜,连话都说不了。
- Attendance at geriatric or psychiatric day centres and home visits by community nurses are charged at $55 per session. 老人科和精神科日间中心的收费,以及社康护理人员家访的费用,每节55元。
- Finally, in desperation, her parents demanded a home visit from her GP. 最终,她绝望的父母要求她的医师做一次家访。
- Regular home visits, without prior notice will be done at your home to check on the condition of your child. 我们将进行不定期的,随意的家访,以了解孩子在您家的生活情况。
- So, I under the scorching sun, leaving the children fever is conducting home visits. 于是,我顶着烈日,丢下正感冒发烧的孩子进行家访。
- Be it free clinics or home visits, the ceaseless care of doctors will flow to every corner that needs their help. 从驻点关怀到往诊出击,大医王发挥良能,希望能服务许多角落需要帮助的乡亲。
- House calls and home visits were important daily routines of physicians and public health muses. 明郑及日据时期,医师的出诊(家庭访视)是医师日常诊疗业务的重要项目。
- And after their free clinic, TIMA doctors and Tzu Chi volunteers in Indonesia continue to care for the patients by carrying out home visits. 义诊过后人医会医生和印尼慈济志工,持续进行往诊,关怀病人。
- But, afraid that many more years would pass like this, she finally approached an organization that works with shut-ins by making home visits. 她很害怕再过上几年这样的日子,于是她终于向一家自闭症患者援助中心求助,组织提供家访服务。
- Home visits but because its inspiration girlfriend XuZiShan (lathan) YangHua sad father close and style, want to hire scruples HuoFu tempt a valentine's home. 启发回家过年但因为其女友(徐子珊饰)作风洋化难过父亲关而顾虑重重,便想雇个情人回家试探霍父。
- This is a Chinese poem I wrote in 1994 for myself, promising a home visit in five years. 这是1994年我安慰自己的小诗,希望五年内可以回国一次。
- Claudio Naranjo, also a Chilean, came down to Chile on a home visit from America. 也是智利籍的ClaudioNaranjo来自美国,他在一次家庭拜访中来到智利。
- The dream of a home visit came true sooner than expected. Li-qing and I went back in 1995. This is my mother picking us up from the wharf, on pedicab. 我和丽卿终于提早在1995年回了国。这是妈妈到码头接我们后乘坐三轮车回家。
- My mother often recounts a story about me following around my father, our small town’s internist, on a certain home visit. 父亲是我们小镇的内科医生,我的母亲经常向我详述关于我跟随父亲到病人家里出诊的往事。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- You need a nurse to conduct a personal class for you and your baby? If your answer is yes, Papa-dio's registered home visit will be your choice! 想安坐家中与家人一同享受上产前产后班的乐趣?快致电我们预约时间啦!我们期待为你效劳。
- Do you do home visits? 请问可以出诊吗?