- holistic curriculum 全人教育课程
- Holistic medicine; holistic ecology. 全身治疗的药物; 注重整体的生态学
- Structure a curriculum; structure one's day. 安排课程; 对一天进行安排
- A holistic review of the curriculum across all levels of schooling is under way. 课程发展议会现正全面检讨各教育阶段的课程。
- Our curriculum comprises Politics, Chinese, English and History. 我们的课程共有四门:政治、汉语、英语、历史。
- The holistic feature of the Sinicization of Marxism originates from the theoretic system of the Marxism and the feature of holism in its connotation. 摘要马克思主义中国化的整体特征溯源于马克思主义理论体系与自身内涵的整体性。
- We shall have to design a new curriculum for the third year. 我们得设计出三年级的新课程。
- The professor is busy preparing his chemistry curriculum plan. 这位教授正忙於准备他的化学课程计划。
- A complete body of prescribed studies constituting a curriculum. 课程,科目,教程构成教学大纲的一整套指定学习体系
- A holistic investigation or system of treatment. 整体论的方法或研究
- This is the holistic approach to energy healing. 这就是能量疗法的整体性。
- Geri holistic medicine;holistic ecology. 全身治疗的药物;
- She has no faith in holistic medicine. 她不确信整体医学是否真正有效。
- The curriculum must be preplanned. 课程设置必须事先计划好。
- Voice-Oriented Curriculum Author Language. 面向语音的课程软件编写语言。
- The effect of the uniform curriculum is unclear. 统一课程效果到底怎样目前还不好说。
- A well-rounded scholar; a well-rounded curriculum. 知识全面的学者;全面的课程计划
- Is German on your school's curriculum? 你们学校有德语课吗?
- The power of this genetic holism can be seen in animal breeding. 而这种遗传整体性的力量,从人类驯养动物的过程中可见一斑。
- The humanistic spirit of the qualitative research opposes the positivistic atonism and advocates a kind of research paradigm of holism that is shown in the qualitative research is the naturalism research manner and holistic research strategy. 质化研究的人文精神反对实证主义的原子论 ,倡导的是一种整体主义的研究范式 ,这在质化研究中表现为自然主义的研究态度和整体主义的研究策略。