- The gang (was) holed up in the mountains somewhere. 那帮匪徒躲在山中某处。
- The enemy was holed up in a few isolated strongholds. 敌人龟缩在几个孤立的据点里。
- The criminals holed up in a factory. 罪犯们躲藏在一个工厂里。
- We believe the gang are holed up in the mountains. 我们认为那帮匪徒躲藏在山里。
- Spitzer is holed up in his New York apartment. 斯皮策如今窝在纽约公寓里不敢露脸。
- She's holed up in the Elysian Fields Projects. 她是伊甸园计划的一部分。
- To hole in one The criminals holed up in a factory. 罪犯们躲藏在一个工厂里。
- Bears hole up for the winter to go by. 熊蛰伏在穴中过冬。
- Bears hole up for the winter to go by . 熊蛰伏在穴中过冬。
- They holed up in a deserted house after they robbed the bank. 他们抢了银行以后就在一幢没人居住的房子里躲藏起来。
- The police think the bank robbers are holed up in Chicago. 警方认为抢银行的人被藏匿在芝加哥。
- This is the cottage where the bandits once holed up. 这就是土匪曾经躲藏过的小屋。
- I took on a new name and holed up in a squalid neighborhood. 我去了一个新名字,继续在一个肮脏的居民区生活下去。
- In November the ground hogs all hole up for the winter. 11月份土拨鼠都入洞冬眠。
- He'll hole up now and move again tomorrow, after dark. 他现在将躲起来,等明天天黑以后再动身。
- After a day's motoring,Harry found a room for rent and holed up for the night. 哈里开了1天的汽车后,找到了一个出租的房间寄宿过夜。
- After a day's motoring,John found a room for rent and holed up in the house. 开了一天车后,约翰找了一个出租的房间住了一夜。
- Indian commando s are still battling militants holed up in a hotel in Mumbai. 印度突击队仍在和占领孟买旅馆的极端份子战斗。
- Nearly10,000 Western civilians, mostly British and American, are holed up in captured Kuwait City. If Saddam gets his hands on them, as he intends to, they are to be designated human targets and doomed. 将近一万名西方平民(多半是英国人和美国人)躲藏在被占领的科威特城。如果萨达姆能如愿,使他们落在他手里,他们将被指定为活靶,难逃浩劫。
- As it was getting dark, the travellers began thinking about holing up for the night. 天渐渐黑下来,那些旅行者开始想到要找个地方过夜。