- hole by hole blasting technique 逐孔起爆技术
- Observe the depth of holing by holing needle. 观察钻头可打孔的深度.
- The ship was holed by an iceberg. 冰山把那船撞出了窟窿。
- blasting of hole by hole 逐孔起爆
- Blasthole deflection is an severe adverse factor when mining is carried out using large diameter long hole blasting . 在大直径深孔采矿中 ,炮孔偏斜是非常不利的因素。
- The new method adopted roof presupporting,deep and medium hole blasting,LHD ore removal and tailings filling. 该采矿方法采用采场预控顶技术,中深孔爆破,铲运机出矿,尾砂充填。
- A supermassive black hole blasting is destroying everything in its path with a deadly beam of energy. 超大规模黑洞爆发产生的致命能量束能摧毁一切。
- Mice can excavate holes by nature. 老鼠天生会打洞。
- Golf rounds entries include notes by hole or round, scores, putts, fairway hits,penalty strokes and sand saves. 高尔夫球绕过入口包括由洞或者轮所作的注释,记分,轻轻击球入洞,航道击中,惩罚抚摸和磨光储蓄。
- The ship was holed by an iceberg . 冰山把那船撞出了窟窿.
- Linear charge blasting at the net of highway to Zhuhai aerodrome and the hole blasting at underground stope in Gaofen mining company have been design by the expressions. 按推导的计算式设计了珠海西区机场路垭口条形药包爆破和高峰矿业有限责任公司地下采场浅孔爆破。
- To reproduce or increase the size of a hole by use of a drill, auger or rotary cutting tool. 用钻头,螺钻或旋转切割机在加工或增大孔的大小。
- The influence factors of rock fracture weak face on cut hole blasting are analysed,suit-able hole distributing method based on fracture distribution is put foreward. 分析了岩体中裂隙弱面对掏槽孔爆破的影响因素,并根据裂隙的分布情况提出相应的布孔方法和原则,对岩巷掘进施工具有实际指导意义。
- The explosive from the lorry is delivered to the shot hole by means of a compressed air. 从卡车上直接用压缩空气将炸药装入炮眼。
- Then, one day in the fall of 1959, Blackie starved to death near a hole by our front door. 1959年秋天的某一天,小黑饿死在我们家大门的洞边。
- The key of processing tenuous hole by plain lathe is the design of clamping apparatus. 摘要用普通车床加工细长孔,夹具和钻具的设计是关键。
- You will be informed the time of playing each hole by caddie, please adjust your speed. 每洞将由球童告知所打球洞的时间,请调整本组击球速度。
- The feasibility of middle_ deep hole blasting in roadway is discussed from present blasting apparatus, blasting technology and work way and the necessity of lifting excavation efficiency velocity and suitability. 从目前的爆破器材、破技术和作业方式等方面论述了平巷中深孔爆破的可行性,以及它对提高掘进工效、度,适应机械化作业线施工的必要性。
- The paper analyse the mechanism of hole-bottom detonating and set forth the crushing mechanism of hole-bottom detonating in medium-length hole blasting decrease the production of big block ores. 分析了孔底起爆的作用机理,阐述了孔底起爆在上向扇形中深孔爆破中能降低大块产出的破碎机理;
- In this paper, designing and processing technique of a detonating cord of low initial capacity are presented. The detonating cord can satisfy the requirements for long hole blasting in mine. 介绍了一种低起爆能力导爆索的设计、性能及生产工艺。该产品克服了普通导爆索在露天爆破工程中的各种特殊环境和装药条件下的缺陷,能够满足矿山深孔爆破的要求。