- He holed the ball in a single shot . 他一下就把球打进了洞。
- He holed the ball in a single shot. 他一下就把球打进了洞。
- The player plays the ball from its new position, holing the putt. 球员从新的位置打球,并把球推进洞。
- The ball came to rest at the edge of the hole. 球在窟窿的边沿上停了下来。
- The litter boy forced the ball down a small hole. 小男孩把球塞入洞里了。
- In cricket, the ball is delivered overarm. 打板球时,要举臂过肩掷球。
- Joe teeed the ball up for the final hole. 乔把高尔夫球放在球座上准备打向最后的球穴。
- He lay back and hit the ball for four. 他向后弯身击中球,得了4分。
- She came out of her room equipped for the ball. 她盛装从房里出来预备到跳舞会去。
- The loss of the ball game stir up much feeling. 球赛输了引起了极大的愤慨。
- The pitcher tends to pitch the ball too high. 这个投球手常把球掷得过高。
- Smith tied into the ball for a home run. 史密斯猛击球取得本垒打。
- He swiped at the ball and missed it. 他向球猛击,但未打中。
- The ball hit the wall and bounced off it. 球打在墙上又反弹回来。
- The ball fell right into the hole. 球正好掉进洞里。
- The ball is filled with gaseous mixture. 那个球充满了气体混合物。
- He fumbled the ball and then dropped it. 他笨手笨脚的漏接了球。
- He kicked the ball to the stand. 他把球踢到看台上了。
- The ball glanced off the goal post into the net. 球撞到球门柱上斜飞入网。
- The golfer took a swing at the ball. 打高尔夫球的人挥棒击了一下球。