- hole current density 空穴电流密度
- It can greately improve the transconductance and current density. 其中pHEMT(pseudo-HEMT,即赝配HEMT)表现尤为特殊,它能够非常显著地改善HEMT的跨导和电流密度,因此具有广阔的应用前景。
- The overvoltage varies inversely with the current density to some extent. 超电压在某种程度上随电流密度成反比地变化。
- Much attention is paid on the economic current density in the conductor. 很重视对导体中的经济电流密度的评估。
- Tunneling process is important in the low to moderate current density range. 在中等及中等以下电流密度下,隧道穿透过程是重要的。
- The current density reduces along with the temperature of hollow cathode rise. 电流密度随空心阴极温度的升高而下降。
- The conversion increased with the increase in current density and with the decrease of the thickness ofsulfur bed. 实验发现由疏转化为硫酸的量随电流密度的增加而增加,随硫床层厚度的降低而增加。
- Tin whisker growth at high current density was more than the one at lower current density. 实验结果显示,电流密度高的试片锡须生长数量较多于电流密度低的试片。
- When the current density finally reaches the steady state,the pore distribtion is complete. 当上升过程结束,电流密度达到稳定值后,孔的分布已完成.
- There was no significant difference of the VGCC current density between control group and BFP or HSH971 treated group. 单独应用上述浓度的BFP和HSH971孵育细胞6h,VGCC电流密度较空白对照组差别无显著性。 (P>0.;肠)
- The anode gas should be humidified as much as possible, when PEMFC operated at low current density. 故PEMFC在小电流密度工作时,应该使阳极气体充分增湿;
- The current density of discharge is related to the vacuum width, voltage and air pressure. 放电电流密度的大小与空腔尺寸、放电电压和工作气压有关;
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- Results show that the proportion of inward to outward growth varies with intensifying time and current density. 结果表明,微弧氧化陶瓷层向内与向外的生长比例受强化时间和电流密度综合控制。
- It takes into account both electron and hole currents in IGBTs and the doping variation in MOS body. 本模型可以同时考虑IGBT内电子和电洞电流,以及MOS内掺杂浓度的变化。
- Many parameters,such as current density,time on and off,pulse frequence,can be interceded in pulse electrolysis. 脉冲电解可以调解电流密度、电流的通断时间、脉冲频率等多个参数,为控制金属沉积层的质量和沉积速度提供了有力的手段。
- SEM results reveal that the SEI film of graphite is denser and uniformer in lower current density than that in higher. SEM结果显示, 小电流密度下石墨表面的SEI膜较致密、 均匀, 而大电流密度下的则疏松、 不均一;
- But current density and heat flux on deformed weld pool surface are not similar Gauss distribution. 而变形熔池表面的电流密度和热流密度分布则不再符合近似的高斯分布。
- This paper discusses the influence of current efficiency in various electrodes,temperature and current density. 并对不同电极、温度和电流密度对反应电流效率影响进行了研究。
- He chiseled a hole in the door to fit a new lock. 他在门上凿了个孔,以便装一把新锁。