- Rebel forces hold sway over much of the island. 该岛很大一部份控制在叛军手里。
- Rome held sway over a huge empire for several hundred years. 罗马统治着一个巨大的帝国长达几百年。
- These distinctions between ourselves and the primitives hold sway over people's mind. 我们与原始人之间的这些差别在人的思想上占据统治地位。
- But the vine answered, 'Should I give up my wine, which cheers both gods and men, to hold sway over the trees? 葡萄树回答说:‘我岂肯止住使上帝和人喜乐的新酒,飘摇在众树之上呢。
- In medieval times the church held sway over many countries. 在中世纪, 教会支配着许多国家。
- But poongsu holds sway over the Korean rich and powerful. 但是;迷信风水仍在韩国有钱有势者中盛行.
- When Bhaal held sway over my soul, I reveled in the bloody carnage I wrought. 当巴尔操控我的灵魂,我着迷于我杀戮的鲜血。
- These distinctions between ourselves and the primitive held sway over people's minds. 我们自己与原始人之间的这些差别之点在人的思想上占据统治地位。
- Anthropology was by definiton impossible as long as these distinctions held sway over people's minds. 只要这些差别之点在人的思想上占据统治地位时,人灶学,按其定义,是不可能存在的。
- For a long time the teachings of Confucius and Mencius held sway over Chinese society. 孔孟之道在很长一段时期内统治着中国社会。
- And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway over the flux. 我试图领悟毕达哥拉斯所景仰的数字力量,它支配着此消彼涨。
- Iran has Revolutionary Guards stationed in Lebanon and it, effectively, holds sway over extremist Shiite Moslem terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah, the Party of God. 伊朗在黎巴嫩驻有革命卫队,可以有效地左右走极端的穆斯林什叶派恐怖集团,例如真主党。
- Iran has Revolutionary Guards stationed in Lebanon and it,effectively,holds sway over extremist Shiite Moslem terrorist groups,such as Hezbollah,the Party of God. 伊朗在黎巴嫩驻有革命卫队,可以有效地左右走极端的穆斯林什叶派恐怖集团,例如真主党。
- With Ravenna as his capital he staved off the Franks and Bulgarians, and he held sway over a kingdom that included Sicily, Dalmatia, and some German lands. 他以拉文纳为首府,并扩展其势力范围至法兰克和保加利亚,并掌握一个政局动荡的王国,该王国包括西西里、达尔马提亚和德国部分土地。
- Twelve months ago, Ronaldo held sway over German goalkeeper Oliver Kahn and Zidane, while Mia Hamm took the women's award ahead of Prinz and China's Sun Wen. (Yang Binyuan) 去年的这个时候,罗纳尔多击败德国守门员卡恩和奇达内获得世界足球先生的称号。美国的米娅.;哈姆也击败了普林茨和中国的孙文而获得了世界足球小姐称号。
- Oil-exporting countries found that they could now circumvent the eight international "majors" which had held sway over oil production, prices, and exploration in the OPEC countries. 石油输出国发现,他们现在能够击败八家“大”国际石油公司了,这些公司过去曾控制“石油输出组织”成员国的石油生产,石油价格和石油勘探。
- He held sway over all England. 他统治全英格兰。
- The beliefs which now hold sway may one day be rejected. 现在占主导地位的信仰有朝一日可能会被摒弃。
- Anthropology was by definition impossible, as long as these distinctions between ourselves and the primitive, ourselves and the barbarian, ourselves and the pagan, held sway over people's minds. 只要我们同原始人,我们同野蛮人,我们同异教徒之间存有的区别在人的思想中占主工导地位,那么人类学按其定义来说就无法存在。
- I hold no sway over any decisions by the boss. 我丝毫不能影响到老板的决策。