- be unable to hold oneself back; can't contain oneself 憋不住
- hold oneself back 克制自己
- Mindfulness is cultivated by constantly pulling oneself back to a state of awareness, gently, gently, gently. 觉知就是通过不断的把自己拉回到觉知的状态而培养出来的,温柔,这是关键。
- Bilateral each hold oneself see, the case adjudicates twice in court of district of the Milky way hind, go to Guangzhou all the way quadrangle. 双方各执己见,案件在天河区法院两次判决后,一路上到广州中院。
- Ascending beyond the conflict underlying a bad ascension day occurs through intention, and in the piecing of oneself back together again. 要超越糟糕的提升日子底下所潜藏的冲突,是透过意愿并将自我再次缝合到一起而产生的。
- Then one can imagine mirrors at the edges of one's light earth tube that mirror oneself back into oneself and all others back unto themselves. 随之你可以设想在这光明地球管的边缘有镜子,将自己反射回自身,而所有他人反射回他们自身。
- Additional, lamplight of even reasonable arrangement, tonal, let it blend in indoor whole style faultlessly already, hold oneself emotional appeal again. 另外,还要合理安排灯光、色调,让它既能完美地融入室内整体风格,又保持自己的情调。
- Through such impressions one gathers oneself, wins oneself back from the exacting multiplicity, which speaks and chatters there (and how talkative it is! 由于这样的印象,我们凝聚精神,从那些傲慢的、谈谈讲讲的“多数”(那是多么爱饶舌呀!)
- To independent cloakroom, reasonable arrangement wants when the design lamplight, tonal wait for an element, make blend in indoor whole style already, hold oneself individual emotional appeal again. 对于独立的衣帽间而言,设计时要合理安排灯光、色调等元素,使之既融入室内整体风格,又保持自己独特的情调。
- As consumer, hope to hold oneself house so that make his completely satisfactory, when because this is in choice home,holding a firm very captious. 所以,客户找不同水平的施工队伍会出现不同的报价设计。原因在于,最终的施工质量不同。
- If one holds oneself dear, one should diligently watch oneself. Let the wise man keep vigil during any of the three watches of the night. 若人懂得爱惜自身,他应当好好地保护自己。在(生命)三个阶段的任何阶段里,智者应保持(对邪恶)的警觉。
- She smiled and could not hold back tears of joy. 她笑了起来,禁不住流下喜悦的眼泪。
- When the toy that holding oneself in the arms to like when the child runs from toy caboodle, mom also chose a few oneself like adorn article. 当小孩抱着自己喜欢的玩具从玩具堆里跑出来的时候,妈妈也挑选了几件自己喜欢的饰品。
- Hold on a minute while I get my breath back. 停一停,让我喘口气。
- hold oneself aloof; sit up in high 高高在上
- No one can hold back the wheel of history. 谁也无法阻止历史车轮的前进。
- sit, stand, hold oneself upright 危坐、 笔直地站着、 保持直立姿势
- He resolved that nothing should hold him back. 他下决心不让任何事情阻挡他。
- She just managed to hold back her anger. 她总算抑制住了自己的愤怒情绪。
- Hold oneself in readiness to take control 准备好以便控制