- hold it scorn to do something 鄙视做某事
- think it scorn to do something 鄙视做某事
- I want to do something else, but it's no matter. 我想干点别的事,但那不重要。
- I want to do something else,but it's no matter. 我想干点别的事,但那不重要。
- Can't find it in one's heart to do something. 无法下定决心去做某事。
- It takes a lot of grit to do something like that. 做那和事是需要很大的勇气。
- If I say Iam going to do something, I do it. 如果我说做某一件事,我就一定会做。
- I think it scorn to play the games that is fit for you girls. 我才不跟你们玩那些女生玩的游戏呢!
- Mike longed to do something for the people across the sea. 迈克期望能为海外的人们做一些事情。
- How would they scorn to do what you have done. 他们不屑于做你做的事。
- Be dared to do something and not attempt it. 敢于去做某事并没有尝试它。
- Will you please come up to do something for it? 你能上楼来给我修修吗?
- hold it scorn to 不屑于
- I have got to do something about it. 我得想个办法才行。
- The company ought to do something about the poor service. 公司应该对服务质量不佳一事采取些措施。
- It's time (for sb.) to do something. 是(某人)该做某事的时候了。
- It is time for somebody to do something. 析]"是该作某事的时候了",其句形为:
- It's easy to feel for people in need; it's harder to bring yourself to do something practical about it. 同情危难之中的人们是很容易的,但亲自去为它做些实际事情就难了。
- Please excuse me for a little while. I want to do something. 对不起,请稍等一会儿,我要办点事。
- To do something oneself is often easier than getting someone else to do it. 自己去办理一件事常常比请人去做来得容易。