- He hold hands with his male friend and kiss there cheek too. 他和男性朋友手拖手,还亲吻他们的脸。
- To be a witch is to dance and sing, and hold hands with the universe. 意味着与宇宙的万物一起舞蹈和歌唱;
- Wish the public a friend to hold hands with us to create brilliancy together! 愿各界朋友同我们携手共创双赢!
- We hold hands with lately old customer with all sincerity to enter totally, creating brilliancy together. 我们竭诚与新老客户携手共进,共创辉煌。
- You can't snuggle up to a check book, or hold hands with shares of stock, and neither can your kids. 你不可能跟支票簿耳鬓厮摩吧,你不可能跟股票去手牵手吧,同样的道理也适用于你们的孩子。
- Wildly jealous when thinking you holding hands with some others. 想到你会握住别人的手这件事让我异常嫉妒。
- In beauty,education and blood,Susan held hand with any princess of the world. 在美貌、教育和血统诸方面,苏珊足以与世界上任何一位公主媲美。
- In beauty, education and blood, Susan held hand with any princess of the world. 在美貌、教育和血统诸方面,苏珊足以与世界上任何一位公主媲美。
- We wish to hold hands with the friend who goes together in electronics profession to create the brilliancy together! 我们愿与广大的电子同行的朋友一起携手共创辉煌!
- "That they can for once hold hands with a man here is uplifting," said Stina Rogal, who is co-organizing the Gay Games figure skating competition. 同性恋运动会花样滑冰大赛的协办者史蒂娜罗格说:“他们能够破例在这里与男伴牵手比赛,真是令人激动。
- Hold hands with your partener. 和小朋友拉上手.
- I can shake hands with you on that problems. 在这个问题上我会同意你的看法的。
- For the first time they hold hands in public. 他们第一次手搀手地公开露面。
- He washed his hands with a toilet soap. 他用香皂洗手。
- Since it will hold hands with Saturn, you'll have plenty of discipline, so if you want to recommit to a fitness plan, seize the day on August 30 or the days that closely follow that new moon. 如果你为别人打工,它会来自于自由职业者,或者非常高调的新的指派。不论是怎么样,随着新月和木星有着如此完美的相位,这项工作会很快成为王冠上的珍珠,展现你的能力。
- John! Lend a hand with this table, will you? 约翰,帮帮忙,搬一下桌子好吗?
- David Beckham holds hands with his wife, Victoria, at Heathrow Airport in London. 大卫.;贝克汉姆在伦敦希思罗机场和妻子维多利亚手拉手。
- They shook hands with each other and then sat down. 他们握了握手,然后坐了下来。
- Against the consistent background of the cove shore, the foreground shows us holding hands with children who walk in taller and taller shoes. 照片的背景是经久不变的海滨,但前景中与我们手牵手的孩子却在一天天地长高长大了。
- Cruise's ex-wife Nicole Kidman also made the run-through a family affair, holding hands with new husband KEITH URBAN backstage. 克鲁斯的前妻妮可·基德曼也携家属来到了彩排现场,她和丈夫凯斯·厄本手拉着手出现在剧院的后台。