- hold government job 担任政府职务
- The first Muslim to hold such a top government job, and a woman to boot, Ms Dati has become emblematic of an effort to open up the French elite. 达蒂是第一位担任如此政府高职的穆斯林,而且是一位女人,她已经成为试图挖掘法国精英人士的一个象征。
- They hold government bonds rather than tax receipts. 他们持有的是政府债券,而不是税收收入。
- They are guaranteed of government job in these minority autonamous regions, we han Chinese aren't. 甚至在法律和秩序方面,他们的轻微犯罪将不会受到惩罚,我们的汉人则会被惩罚。
- UKFI is modelled on the Shareholder Executive established five years ago to hold government stakes in other companies. 实施国有化的理由是,这里涉及巨大的公共利益,不仅表现在从这些活动中得到的财务回报,还表现在企业经营什么和如何经营。
- After I quit my government job in 1976 I retreated completely into the spiritual community, Arica, that I joined in 1973 after an intensive 40-day training. 1976年退出政府工作以后,我完全进入阿里卡这个心灵公社。1973经过40天的训练以后,我就加入的那个公社。
- The school is owned by a fortysomething former Chinese MOFTEC official, who quit his government job to run his own business and made enough money to move to Canada. 学校是由一位四十多岁的前中国外经贸地方官员开办的,他辞职下海挣足钱后去了加拿大,在那里一天到晚地赌博,并反问自己:难道我的晚年就这样过吗?
- As if more evidence were needed that Chinalco was answering to a higher cause, days after it announced the Rio deal, its chairman, Xiao Yaqing, landed a top government job . 似乎需要更多的证据证实中铝这一做法的合理性。而就在中铝刚刚宣布力拓的交易之后的几天,其主席,肖亚庆调任中央政府任职。
- Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。
- You can now browse civil service job opportunities and current vacancies on our web site, download application forms or submit online applications for a number of Government jobs. 你现可在网上浏览公务员工作机会和政府职位空缺,及下载或递交多个政府职位的申请表。
- He couldn't hold down a job after his breakdown. 他病倒以後,工作也就保不住了。
- Level of the jobs : IOU's students can have a government job, work in embassies and private business, and can even have a political position (minister, member of parliament), etc. 工作水准:IOU的学生能在政府单位、大使馆和私营企业工作,甚至能有政治职位(部长、国会议员)等。
- Jim have not hold down a job for more than a year. 没有一份工作吉姆能保住一年。
- From them on, the practice of rewarding supporters with government jobs became known as the spoils system grew. 从他们,当分赃制增长,有意义的支持者实践与政府工作出名。
- The government hopes to hold salary increase to 3%. 政府希望将工次增长率控制在3%25。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我们的储粮还能维持多久?
- Some of us are wealthy businessmen, others work in low-paying government jobs where they might do something mundane like set tariff levers. 有些是富有的商人,有些在政府部门做薪水微薄的工作,他们做的事情可能像固定不变的关税等级一样平凡。
- Few kings now hold the reins of government. 现在很少有国王是掌握政权的。
- He hold on to my arm with a tenacious grip. 他紧紧抓住我的手臂不放。