- On Wednesday, five prosecutors from the British Upper House began to hold a hearing on an appeal by a lower court. 星期三英国上院的五名检察官开始就检察官对一外下级法院的裁决提出的上诉举行听证会。
- The Congress is considering to hold a hearing on advertisement for alcoholic drinks. 国会正在考虑就含酒精饮料的广告举行听证会。
- The House subcommittee on forests, which Mr McInnis heads, will hold a hearing on eco-terrorism in February. 麦克伊尼斯领导的“森林小组委员会”将在二月份召开生态恐怖主义的听证会。
- China's foreign trade ministry will hold a hearing on January 18 regarding the anti-dumping investigation on imported acrylate from Japan, Germany and the US. 中国外贸部将于1月18日就日本、德国和美国进口的丙烯酸盐反倾销调查一事举行听证会。
- Where necessary, it shall hold a hearing. 必要时,应当采取听证的方式。
- And a congressional committee held a hearing on credit rating agencies and their part in the financial crisis. 并且,国会委员会就信用评级机构及其在金融危机中的作用举行听证会。
- These four organizations opposed Gatlin's motion at a hearing on Monday. 之后加特林被允许参加美国的奥运预选赛。
- hold a hearing on 就 ... 举行听证会
- In some circumstances, for example, an agency may promulgate a legislative rule, and then refuse during subsequent adjudications to hold a hearing on issues that it has already decided in the rulemaking proceeding; 例如,在有些情况下,机关可颁布立法规则,然后在随后的裁决里拒绝就已在规则制定过程中得到解决的问题举行听证;
- On the Improvement and Development of the Evidence Exchange System before Holding a Hearing in Our Country. 论我国庭前证据交换制度的完善与发展。
- She was demanding that American Communists should hold a hearing for her and prove she was not guilty of anything. 当时,她正在强烈要求美国共产党为她举行听证会,证明她是清白无辜的。
- Where the franchised business operator requests for a hearing, the franchiser shall hold a hearing. 特许经营者要求举行听证的,授权主体应当组织听证。
- They hold a mystic religious ceremony. 他们举行了一个神秘的宗教仪式。
- It's a good idea, so try to get a hearing for it. 这是个好主意,要想办法加以申述。
- They are holding a forum on juvenile delinquency. 他们正举行一个有关青少年犯罪的讨论会。
- Rep.Howard Berman took advantage of the two-week recess in Congress to hold a field hearing on copyright in the digital age on his home turf in Van Nuys, Calif. 国会议员霍华德伯曼利用国会两星期休会的空档在他家乡加州范奈司区举行了一个关于数字时代版权保护的现场听证会。
- He tried to pick out the tune of a song he had heard on the radio. 他凭听觉记忆把无线电广播中听到过的一首歌曲弹奏出来。
- The people's court, having accepted a case regarding the credentials of electors, must hold a hearing before the election. 人民法院受理选民资格案件后,必须在选举日前审结。
- The financial committee had a hearing yesterday. 昨天经济委员会召开了一个听证会。
- Radio2 can be heard on the long wave band. 第二广播电台可在长波段收听到。