- hoist pump body 起重机油泵体
- hoist pump body bushing 起重机油泵体衬套
- Checking of the sealing injection pump body. 对喷油泵进行密封性试验。
- Especially for large pump, pump body stiffness. 特别对于大泵,泵体刚度大。
- Measurement of the internal pressure of distributor pump body. 测量分配泵泵体内压。
- Measurement of the reflux delivery of distributor pump body. 分配泵益流量测量。
- QB Clean water pump series belong to the vortex pump direct-coupled between electric machine and pump body. QB系列电动清水泵是一种高效的电动泵。
- Sealing ring is fitted on pump body, while impeller sealing ring is an optional part. 设有泵体密封环,而叶轮密封环为可选用件。
- Fluid machine: pump body, pump impeller, three-way and elbow body, connector body. 流体机械:泵体,泵叶,高品质三通及弯头本体,接体本体.
- There is no need of bottom valve in pipeline, only to ensure certain priming oil in pump body before work. 管路中不需底阀,工作前只需保证泵体内储有定量引油即可。
- Pump body &pump casing made by alloy copper and stainless steel. reliable and corrosive-resist. 泵机体,马达外壳,以炮金铜及不锈钢材质制成,坚固耐蚀,轴心不锈钢304。
- This article introduces a series of special clamps for machining pump body of a Shoot Liquid Pump. 本文介绍了某种射流泵泵体加工的系列专用夹具。
- Basic types: pump body mounted on a motor directly flanged on, applicable to ordinary liquids. 基本型:泵体直接装在电机法兰上,适用于一般液体。
- In this paper,abrasion behavior of carbonitriding steels used in the manufacture of pump body is studied. 研究了碳氮共渗钢制作的水泵体的磨损特性。
- FSB series fluoroplastic alloy pump is composed of pump body, impeller, back cover, seal, support, pump shaft, bearing, coupling, fasten bolt, nut and base plate. FSB系列氟塑料合金泵由泵体、叶轮,后盖,密封性,支架,泵轴,轴承,连轴器,吊紧螺栓,螺母,底板组成。
- We need a hoist to lift the concrete blocks. 我们需要一台起重机来吊起混凝土块。
- Non-pollution,The pump body is made of polyvinyl chloride (pvc)plastics,and the onter cover is of cold-rolled steel plate with backing finish. 无污染,本机箱体为聚氯乙稀塑料,外壳采用不锈钢和冷板静电喷塑壳两种。
- The manufacturing process of foaming mould of an oil pump body by using LOM prototype,electroforming and wire-arc spraying was introduced in detail. 以制造泵体发泡模具为例,详细介绍了在LOM原型的基础上,通过LOM原型的预处理、电铸和电弧喷涂等工艺手段快速制造发泡模具的过程。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- Ruled out: relax fill, dredge flume; disassemble pump body to remove debris, rust; Calibration shaft removed or replaced a new shaft. 排除:放松填料,疏通引水槽;拆开泵体清除杂物、除锈;拆下泵轴校正或更换新的泵轴。