- He aimed at a rabbit, but hit a bird. 他瞄准一只兔子,却击中了一只鸟。
- He aimed at a bird,but he hit a rabbit. 他瞄准一只鸟,但射中了一只兔子。
- He aimed at a rabbit,but hit a bird. 他瞄准一只兔子,却击中了一只鸟。
- He aimed at a bird, but he hit a rabbit. 他瞄准一只鸟,但射中了一只兔子。
- He popped at a bird but missed it. 他用枪射鸟,可是没有打中。
- If I had wings, I could fly like a bird in the sky. 我要是有翅膀,那末我就能跟鸟一样在天空飞翔。
- There is a bird on top of the house. 房子顶上有只鸟。
- The yacht hit a rock and damaged her bows. 游艇碰上了礁石,撞坏了船头。
- The yen hit a record high in trading today. 在今日的交易中,日元已升值到历史的最高水平。
- A bird lays eggs in the nest it has built. 鸟将蛋下在自己所筑的巢里。
- The ship hit a rock and wrecked. 船触礁撞毁了。
- He started a bird as he walked in the wood. 他在林子里走时,惊动了一只鸟。
- That is a beautiful etching of a bird. 那是一只鸟的漂亮的蚀刻画。
- The fully loaded truck hit a rock and tumbled over. "这辆满载的卡车碰在一块岩石上,翻倒了。"
- The hare darted off with the velocity of a bird. 野兔像鸟一样快速掠去。
- An owlet is a bird of prey that flies at night. 小型猫头鹰是在夜晚捕食的一种鸟。
- You hit a raw nerve when you mentioned his first wife. 你曾提到他的前妻刺到了他的痛处。
- The bullet hit a wall and was deflected from its course. 子弹击中墙壁而改变了方向。
- My car goes like a bird now that it's been serviced. 我的车修理过了,开起来很快。
- Any of the larger wing or tail feathers of a bird. 翮羽鸟身上较大的翅膀或尾部的羽毛