- We have shared the same historical experiences. 咱们有着共同的历史遭遇。
- The two musts speaks for the far-reaching historical experiences in China. 摘要“两个务必”凝结着深刻的历史经验。
- Historical experience would serve as a most important source of information. 历史的经验将是一个重要的信息来源。
- In this respect, we have valuable historical experience from the Han and Tang Dynasties. 中国的汉唐时代,都曾在这方面留下了宝贵的历史经验
- Let's now review the historical experience of the international communist movement. 现在咱们来回顾一下国际共产主义运动的历史经验。
- This has the historic experience lesson. 这是有历史经验教训的。
- These principles were put forward by Comrade Mao Zedong after he had summed up the Party's historical experience. 这是毛泽东同志总结了党的历史经验提出来的。
- Furthermore, it makesdetai 1ed research on consumer market, data business 1 i fecyc1e, foreigncountri es experi ences, compet it ion s ituat ions and deve 1oping mode. 在此基础上,进一步深入研究了消费者市场、数据业务的生命周期、国外发展的经验、竞争状况以及数据业务的发展模式。
- But when we sum up our historical experience, we have to recognize that, taken as a whole, these practices have never played a positive role. 现在把历史的经验总结一下,不能不承认,这个“四大”的做法,作为一个整体来看,从来没有产生积极的作用。
- We should sum up historical experience and draw the necessary lessons in accordance with the principle of seeking truth from facts. 我们要实事求是地总结历史的经验教训。
- Historical Experience in Rectification and Party Consolidation in the Early of the Foundins of P. R.C. 建国初期整风整党的历史经验。
- Little in our historical experience prepared us for dealing with an adversary of comparable strength on a permanent basis. 我们在对付一个从长远看是势均力敌的对手方面缺乏历史经验。
- Injection mould case based reasoning (CBR) system is used to guide the decision making by historical experiences. 注塑模 CBR(基于事例的推理 )系统是借助于历史经验来指导设计决策的。
- According to historical experience, after the bottom one to two months, the economy rebounded normally. 据历史经验,触底之后一到两个月内,经济通常会出现反弹。
- The thought was under the influences of Confucianism, his family and the historical experiences. 其思想受儒家思想、家庭以及历史经验教训的影响。
- Historical experience proves that in a crisis, an immeasurable instinct for survival often bursts out of humanity. 历史经验证明,人类在危机中往往迸发出不可估量的求生本能。
- At that session,the Central Committee reviewed our historical experience and decided on a series of policies designed to restore order. 那次全会总结了历史经验,决定了一系列拨乱反正的政策。
- But when we sum up our historical experience,we have to recognize that,taken as a whole,these practices have never played a positive role. 现在把历史的经验总结一下,不能不承认,这个“四大”的做法,作为一个整体来看,从来没有产生积极的作用。
- Occidental Tradition of Rule of Law can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome and is derived from the unique mediaeval historical experience. 西方法治主义传统可以溯及古希腊罗马,是中世纪独特历史经验的产物。
- Metacognition experi ence 元认知体验