- His very own goldfish, with tartar sauce and fries? 他自己的金鱼,要油炸沾乘?
- In this case, Unicron has his very own Mini-Con: Dead End. 因此他成为了宇宙大帝自己的迷你金刚。
- At last he had his very own car(= belonging to him and to nobody else). 他终于有了完全属于他自己的汽车。
- But with his big, fat, fibbing budget, Obama is making that mess his very own. 但凭借漏洞百出的预算,奥巴马正在将这一团混乱变成他自己的。
- But Sparky has his very own special light,as everyone soon discovers. 但是,很快的,所有的人发现他有另一个只属于他的特别的光...
- Steven Gerrard will today enjoy his very own match of the day when he ties the knot with fiancee Alex Curran. 史蒂芬将会与他的未婚妻阿莱克斯·兰于今天喜结连理。
- Move aside. This is the King's road and the knights you joined arms against were his very own. 让开,这是国王的道路,而且你对抗的骑士是国王的战士。
- He loved me as his very own grandchild, even though he was a year younger than my father. 他像爱自己的孙女一样爱我,尽管他比我父亲还小一岁。
- Who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good. 他为我们舍了自己,要赎我们脱离一切罪恶,又洁净我们,特作自己的子民,热心为善。
- Beating Maradona on his very own playground in such a fashion that the very demanding, faithful public of the San Paolo giving a standing ovation to Milan at the end of the match! 在马拉多纳自己的主场圣保罗球场,米兰以一种令人难忘的方式夺走联赛冠军奖杯,比赛的最后,就连一向以苛刻和忠诚著称的那不勒斯球迷也长时间起立,把掌声和欢呼声献给缔造这场完美胜利的对手米兰!
- He glimpsed at a replay of DirkNowitzki’s fateful free throws in the upper right corner, then at an ecstaticPaul Pierce hoisting his very own O’Brien to the far left. 他看到了比赛的重放画面,诺维斯基罚中至关重要的罚球的画面出现在右上方的角落,然后在左方出现了皮尔斯举起属于他的那座沉甸甸的奥布莱恩盃的时那欣喜若狂的画面。
- who doesn't even trust his very own Marietta? |你竟然信不过你的玛丽叶塔?
- His very clothes seemed to partake of his hospitable nature. 他这身装束似乎显示了他的好客。
- You can keep this book for your very own. 你可以保留这本书,当作是自己的。
- His business acumen has made his very successful. 他的商业头脑使他很成功。
- His very sight is quite disgusting. 一见到他就让人恶心。
- I have my very own room at last. 我终于有了我自己的房间了!
- She has her very own brand of humour. 她的幽默很独特。
- Though he did his very best,he still failed. 虽然他尽了全力,但还是失败了。
- You may keep the pamphlet for your very own. 这本小册子你完全可以保留着自己使用。