- his steadiness of hand 他的手很稳
- His application was rejected out of hand. 他的申请当即遭到了拒绝。
- The students appear to be completely out of hand. 学生们似乎已完全无法控制了。
- He salted his friend with a wave of hand. 他挥挥手向朋友打招呼。
- He finds his son getting out of hand. 他发觉他的儿子已难管束。
- The fire spread and went out of hand. 火势蔓延,无法控制。
- The justice dismiss his evidence out of hand. 法官当即驳回了他的证据。
- Please wait a minute, I'll go with you out of hand. 请等一下,我立即跟你走。
- How do you think of the steadiness of shifting load? 你觉得转换负载的稳定性是否有问题?
- He makes a coin disappear by sleight of hand. 他一转手便把硬币变得没了。
- The pollution is out of hand and becomes very dangerous. 污染失去控制,十分危险。
- The issue was decided by a show of hands. 这件事是通过举手表决决定的。
- The motion is carried on a show of hand. 动议案用举手方式表决。
- Her eyes fell before his steady gaze. 在他的逼视下, 她双目低垂。
- We elected our monitor by a show of hands. 我们举手选举了班长。
- While we exercise that political responsibility,I can assure you that Hong Kong will continue to manage its economy with the lightest and most steady of hands,sticking firm to free markets,small government,low taxes and fiscal prudence. 我们在履行政治上的责任的同时,我可以向各位保证,香港会继续以一贯务实稳健的态度管理香港的经济,并坚守自由市场制度,维持一个精简政府,以及奉行低税政策和依循审慎理财的原则。
- The steadiness of the market is due to the government's intervention. 市场的稳定应归功于政府的干预。
- Employee absenteeism has gotten out of hand. 雇员的旷工现象已经失去控制。
- At first it was only horseplay but it soon got out of hand and developed into full-scale fight. 开始那只是喧闹的嬉戏,可是很快就失去了控制,发展成了全面的斗殴。
- The football fans have got completely out of hand. 那些足球迷已经完全失去控制。