- Violence is abhorrent to his gentle nature. 他性情温和,讨厌暴力。
- He had given her his gentle smile. 他对她温和地笑了一笑。
- his gentle demeanor 他那温文有礼的风度
- I admire his gentle gesture very much. 我羡慕他的优雅的姿势。
- In the election, he showed voters his gentle, conciliatory side. 选举中他向选民们展现了他温和宽容的一面。
- Despite having a gentle demeanor, I could tell that the wingman would never allow danger to get near Yellow Thirteen, even on land. 我敢肯定,即使在地面上,他的队友也不会让危险接近他。
- Despite having a gentle demeanor, I ctake thatould tell that the wingman would never allow danger to get near Yellow Thirteen, even on land. 我敢肯定,即使在地面上,他的队友也不会让危险接近他。
- His gentle manner and politeness bear witness to his fine upbringing. 他的温文有礼证明他很有教养。
- Like his gentle voice,like the charm of this unique,this time is true love. 喜欢他温和的声音;喜欢这种独特的魅力;这一次是真的爱.
- A conciliatory figure, he has been much criticised for his gentle leadership. 作为一个调解性的人物,辛格因温和的领导风格饱受批评。
- The Korean, Japanese, and Western ghosts in films are gruesome as well as vicious, making the tender and gentle demeanor of the Taiwanese ghosts pale by comparison! 电影中的韩国鬼、日本鬼、西洋鬼既阴森又邪恶,似乎让温柔敦厚的台湾鬼相形失色。
- Beneath his gentle manner and Southern charm, Dr.Wilson is a scrapper. 试译:在和蔼谦逊的外表之下,威尔逊博士却是一个斗士。
- Unexpectedly, she managed to chat with Lao Xie awhile, but she did not dare look into his gentle eyes. 她居然能冷静地和老谢聊了一会儿,只是不敢正视老谢善良的目光。
- In his opinion, the worthy man was a terrible fellow, despite his gentle plump face. 据他说,这位高贵的人物,不要只看他那个圆圆的和蔼面孔,实在是一个可怕的东西。
- Yes, He is the power that is alive today, calling for you and me to become His gentle followers. 是的,祂就是今天活著的能力,祂召唤去跟随祂
- His gentleness has caused him trouble. 他的柔和给他自己带来了麻烦。
- With his gentle eyes and comely smile, he still leaves a sense of fortitude for his delicate nose and thin lips. 他目光柔和,笑容清秀,精致的鼻子和薄薄的嘴唇却给人一种坚毅的感觉。
- His gentle and forgiving vision allows us to suspend our judgments of guilt, projected in turn onto others. 基督那温柔和宽恕的视野会让我们停止我们那为自己定罪,并转而将这罪投射给他人的想法。
- The Labrador has much that appeals to people;his gentle ways, intelligence and adaptability make him an ideal dog. 拉布拉多猎犬对人有许多吸引力,它的文雅行为、聪明和适应力使它成为理想的犬种。
- I was touched by his gentleness. 他的温柔让我感动。