- They hinder the advance of Germany. 小国阻挡了德国前进的道路。
- The dog was sitting on his hind legs. 那只狗用它的后腿端坐着。
- The policy will promote rather than hinder reform. 这项政策将促进而不是妨碍改革。
- In a position to obstruct, hinder, or interfere. 挡道地处在阻碍、阻挡或干涉的位置上
- The hind leg of this horse was broken. 这匹马的后腿断了。
- That pact didn't advance peace among nations. 这一公约并没有促进国际和平。
- Can I have an advance against next month's salary? 我能从下月工资中预支一部分款项吗?
- Neil went in advance to say that we were coming. 尼尔先走一步去告诉我们就来。
- Soldiers quietly crawl to advance to enemy. 士兵们悄悄地向敌人匍匐前进。
- The mule lashed out with its hind legs. 这匹骡子忽然用后腿猛踢
- All seats are bookable in advance. 所有的座位都可以预订。
- Suppose I reserve seats in advance. 我先去定好座位吧。
- Send your luggage on in advance. 请把行李预先送出。
- She asked for an advance on her salary. 她请求预支薪水。
- The bank gave/made her an advance of 500. 银行贷给她500英镑。
- Please accept our thanks in advance. 请先接受我方的谢意。
- Get up on your hind legs and do some work! 站起来干点活儿吧!
- Suppose I reserved seat in advance. 我先去定好座位吧。
- Before visiting him, I called him up in advance. 在拜访他之前,我先打电话给他。
- An animal's hind legs; the hinder part of a steer. 动物的后腿;操舵装置的后部